90.102—What are the purposes of the grant program?

The purposes of the grant program in this subpart are:
(a) To provide personnel, training, technical assistance, data collection, and other equipment with respect to the increased apprehension, investigation, and adjudication of persons committing violent crimes against women on campus;
(b) To train campus administrators, campus security personnel, and personnel serving on campus disciplinary or judicial boards to more effectively identify and respond to violent crimes against women on campus, including the crimes of sexual assault, stalking, and domestic violence;
(c) To implement and operate education programs for the prevention of violent crimes against women;
(d) To develop, enlarge or strengthen support services programs, including medical or psychological counseling, for victims of sexual offense crimes;
(e) To create, disseminate, or otherwise provide assistance and information about victims' options on and off campus to bring disciplinary or other legal action;
(f) To develop and implement more effective campus policies, protocols, orders, and services specifically devoted to prevent, identify, and respond to violent crimes against women on campus, including the crimes of sexual assault, stalking, and domestic violence;
(g) To develop, install, or expand data collection and communication systems, including computerized systems, linking campus security to the local law enforcement for the purpose of identifying and tracking arrests, protection orders, violations of protection orders, prosecutions, and convictions with respect to violent crimes against women on campus, including the crimes of sexual assault, stalking, and domestic violence;
(h) To develop, enlarge, or strengthen victim services programs for the campus and to improve delivery of victim services on campus;
(i) To provide capital improvements (including improved lighting and communications facilities but not including the construction of buildings) on campuses to address violent crimes against women on campus, including the crimes of sexual assault, stalking, and domestic violence; and
(j) To support improved coordination among campus administrators, campus security personnel, and local law enforcement to reduce violent crimes against women on campus.