55.7—Termination of coverage.

(a) . A covered State, a political subdivision of a covered State, or a separately covered political subdivision may terminate the application of section 4(f)(4) by obtaining the declaratory judgment described in section 4(a) of the Act.
(b) . The requirements of section 203(c) apply until August 6, 2007. A covered jurisdiction may terminate such coverage earlier if it can prove in a declaratory judgment action in a United States district court, that the illiteracy rate of the applicable language minority group is equal to or less than the national illiteracy rate.

Code of Federal Regulations

[Order 655-76, 41 FR 29998, July 20, 1976, as amended by Order 1246-87, 53 FR 736, Jan. 12, 1988; Order No. 1752-93, 58 FR 35373, July 1, 1993]