345.52—Premium pay.

Payment of premium pay to selected inmates is authorized. The total number of qualifying inmates may not exceed 15% of first grade inmates at a location.
(a) Eligibility. Inmates in first grade pay status may be considered for premium pay.
(b) The selection process. Candidates for premium pay must be nominated by a foreman on the FPI staff, and recommended on the basis of specific posted criteria by a selection committee assigned by the SOI.
(1) The SOI, as the chief selecting official, must sign approval for all premium pay inmate selections. This authority may not be delegated below the level of Acting SOI.
(2) The selected candidate(s) are notified by the FPI Manager or by a posted list on the FPI bulletin board. A record of the selection and who was on the selection board is kept for documentation purposes. An inmate nominated to be a premium pay inmate may refuse the appointment without prejudice.
(c) [Reserved]
(d) Pay rate. Premium pay inmates receive a specified amount over and above all other pay and benefits to which they may be entitled (e.g., longevity pay, overtime, piecework rates, etc.). Premium pay is also paid for vacation, holiday, and administrative hours.
(e) Duties of premium pay inmates. Premium pay is a means of recognizing the value of those traits supportive of morale and good institutional adjustment. It is not a form of bonus or incentive pay for highly productive inmates.
(f) Transfer status of premium pay inmates. Premium pay status may not be transferred from institution to institution with the inmate worker. Premium pay status must be earned at each location.
(g) Removals from premium pay status. Removal from premium pay status may occur for failure to demonstrate the premium pay selection traits or for failure to abide by the inmate worker standards set forth in this policy. All removals from premium pay status shall be documented on the inmate's evaluation form. The following conditions also may result in removal from premium pay status:
(1) Any premium pay inmate found to have committed any level 100 or 200 series offense by the DHO is automatically removed from premium pay status whether or not the offense was FPI-related.
(2) Inmates absent from work for more than 30 consecutive calendar days may be removed from premium pay status by the SOI.