33.30—Program criteria.

The Justice Assistance Act requires that block grant funds assist states and local governments to carry out specific programs which offer a high probability of improving the functioning of the criminal justice system, with special emphasis on violent crime and serious offenders. Section 403(a) of the Act.
(a) High probability of improving the criminal justice system. High probability of improving the criminal justice system means that a prudent assessment of the concepts and implementation plans included in a proposed program, project, approach, or practice, together with an assessment of the problem to which it is addressed and of data and information bearing on the problem, concept, and implementation plan, provides strong evidence that the proposed activities would result in identifiable improvements in the criminal justice system if implemented as proposed. Section 901(a)(21) of the Act.
(b) Special emphasis on violent crime and serious offenders. Special emphasis on violent crime and serious offenders means that a relationship exists between the program and violent crime, the victims of violent crime, serious offenders and their acts, and the prevention of violent crime and serious offenses. Violent crime, for the purpose of this program, includes homicide, robbery, assault, arson, residential burglary, child abuse and molestation, sexual assault, kidnapping, and all felonies involving weapons or narcotics trafficking. Serious offenders are those who commit violent crimes.
(c) Criminal justice. Criminal justice means activities pertaining to crime prevention, control, or reduction, or the enforcement of the criminal law, including but not limited to, police efforts to prevent, control, or reduce crime or to apprehend criminals, including juveniles, activities of courts having criminal jurisdiction, and related agencies (including but not limited to prosecutorial and defender services, juvenile delinquency agencies, and pretrial service or release agencies), activities of corrections, probation or parole authorities and related agencies assisting in the rehabilitation, supervision, and care of criminal offenders, and programs relating to the prevention, control, or reduction of narcotic addiction and juvenile delinquency. Section 901(a)(1) of the Act.