
(a) Upon the filing of the approval (under subpart E of this part) of a claim, the Director shall review the same.
(b) The Director may review—
(1) Any claim denial made under subpart E of this part; and
(2) Any claim approval made under the Act, at 42 U.S.C. 3796c-1 or Public Law 107-37.
(c) Unless the Director judges that it would be unnecessary, the PSOB Office shall serve notice upon the claimant (and upon any other claimant who may have filed a claim with respect to the same public safety officer) of the initiation of a review under paragraph (a) or (b) of this section. Unless the Director judges that it would be unnecessary, such notice shall—
(1) Indicate the principal factual findings or legal conclusions at issue; and
(2) Offer a reasonable opportunity for filing of evidence or legal arguments.