2.20—Paroling policy guidelines: Statement of general policy.

(a) To establish a national paroling policy, promote a more consistent exercise of discretion, and enable fairer and more equitable decision-making without removing individual case consideration, the U.S. Parole Commission has adopted guidelines for parole release consideration.
(b) These guidelines indicate the customary range of time to be served before release for various combinations of offense (severity) and offender (parole prognosis) characteristics. The time ranges specified by the guidelines are established specifically for cases with good institutional adjustment and program progress.
(c) These time ranges are merely guidelines. Where the circumstances warrant, decisions outside of the guidelines (either above or below) may be rendered.
(d) The guidelines contain instructions for the rating of certain offense behaviors. However, especially mitigating or aggravating circumstances in a particular case may justify a decision or a severity rating different from that listed.
(e) An evaluation sheet containing a “salient factor score” serves as an aid in determining the parole prognosis (potential risk of parole violation). However, where circumstances warrant, clinical evaluation of risk may override this predictive aid.
(f) Guidelines for reparole consideration are set forth at § 2.21.
(g) The Commission shall review the guidelines, including the salient factor score, periodically and may revise or modify them at any time as deemed appropriate.
(h) If an offender was less than 18 years of age at the time of the current offense, such youthfulness shall, in itself, be considered as a mitigating factor.
(i) For criminal behavior committed while in confinement see § 2.36 (Rescission Guidelines).
(j) (1) In probation revocation cases, the original federal offense behavior and any new criminal conduct on probation (federal or otherwise) is considered in assessing offense severity. The original federal conviction is also counted in the salient factor score as a prior conviction. Credit is given toward the guidelines for any time spent in confinement on any offense considered in assessing offense severity.
(2) Exception: Where probation has been revoked on a complex sentence (i.e., a committed sentence of more than six months on one count or more of an indictment or information followed by a probation term on other count(s) of an indictment or information), the case shall be considered for guideline purposes under § 2.21 as if parole rather than probation had been revoked.
U.S. Parole Commission Offense Behavior Severity Index
Chapter OneOffenses of General Applicability
Chapter TwoOffenses Involving the Person
Subchapter A—Homicide Offenses
Subchapter B—Assault Offenses
Subchapter C—Kidnaping and Related Offenses
Subchapter D—Sexual Offenses
Subchapter E—Offenses Involving Aircraft
Subchapter F—Communication of Threats
Chapter ThreeOffenses Involving Property
Subchapter A—Arson and Property Destruction Offenses
Subchapter B—Criminal Entry Offenses
Subchapter C—Robbery, Extortion, and Blackmail
Subchapter D—Theft and Related Offenses
Subchapter E—Counterfeiting and Related Offenses
Subchapter F—Bankruptcy Offenses
Subchapter G—Violations of Securities or Investment Regulations and Antitrust Offenses
Chapter FourOffenses Involving Immigration, Naturalization, and Passports
Chapter FiveOffenses Involving Revenue
Subchapter A—Internal Revenue Offenses
Subchapter B—Customs Offenses
Subchapter C—Contraband Cigarettes
Chapter SixOffenses Involving Governmental Process
Subchapter A—Impersonation of Officials
Subchapter B—Obstructing Justice
Subchapter C—Official Corruption
Chapter SevenOffenses Involving Individual Rights
Subchapter A—Offenses Involving Civil Rights
Subchapter B—Offenses Involving Privacy
Chapter EightOffenses Involving Explosives and Weapons
Subchapter A—Explosives and Other Dangerous Articles
Subchapter B—Firearms
Chapter NineOffenses Involving Illicit Drugs
Subchapter A—Heroin and Opiate Offenses
Subchapter B—Marihuana and Hashish Offenses
Subchapter C—Cocaine Offenses
Subchapter D—Other Illicit Drug Offenses
Chapter TenOffenses Involving National Defense
Subchapter A—Treason and Related Offenses
Subchapter B—Sabotage and Related Offenses
Subchapter C—Espionage and Related Offenses
Subchapter D—Selective Service Offenses
Subchapter E—Other National Defense Offenses
Chapter ElevenOffenses Involving Organized Criminal Activity, Gambling, Obscenity, Sexual Exploitation of Children, Prostitution, and Non-Governmental Bribery
Subchapter A—Organized Crime Offenses
Subchapter B—Gambling Offenses
Subchapter C—Obscenity
Subchapter D—Sexual Exploitation of Children
Subchapter E—Prostitution and White Slave Traffic
Subchapter F—Non-Governmental Bribery
Subchapter G—Currency Offenses
Chapter TwelveMiscellaneous Offenses
Chapter ThirteenGeneral Notes and Definitions
Subchapter A—General Notes
Subchapter B—Definitions
Chapter OneOffenses of General Applicability
Grade conspiracy in the same category as the underlying offense.
Grade attempt in the same category as the offense attempted.
103Aiding and Abetting
Grade aiding and abetting in the same category as the underlying offense.
104Accessory After the Fact
Grade accessory after the fact as two categories below the underlying offense, but not less than Category One.
105Solicitation to Commit a Crime of Violence
Grade solicitation to commit a crime of violence in the same category as the underlying offense if the crime solicited would be graded as Category Eight. In all other cases grade solicitation to commit a crime of violence one category below the underlying offense, but not less than Category One.
Chapter TwoOffenses Involving the Person
Subchapter A—Homicide Offenses
Murder, or a forcible felony* resulting in the death of a person other than a participating offender, shall be graded as Category Eight.
202Voluntary Manslaughter
Category Seven.
203Involuntary Manslaughter
Category Four.
Subchapter B—Assault Offenses
211Assault During Commission of Another Offense
(a) If serious bodily injury* results or if ‘serious bodily injury is the result intended’*, grade as Category Seven;
(b) If bodily injury* results, or a weapon is fired by any offender, grade as Category Six;
(c) Otherwise, grade as Category Five.
(a) If serious bodily injury* results or if ‘serious bodily injury is the result intended’*, grade as Category Seven;
(b) If bodily injury* results or a dangerous weapon is used by any offender, grade as Category Five;
(c) Otherwise, grade as Category Two;
(d) Exception: (1) If the victim was known to be a “protected person” * or law enforcement, judicial, or correctional official, grade conduct under (a) as Category Seven, (b) as Category six, and (c) as Category Three.
(2) If an assault is committed while resisting an arrest or detention initiated by a law enforcement officer or a civilian acting under color of law, grade conduct under (a) as Category Seven, (b) as Category Six, and (c) as Category Three.
213Firing a Weapon at a Structure Where Occupants are Physically Present
Grade according to the underlying offense if one can be established, but not less than Category Five.
Subchapter C—Kidnaping and Related Offenses
(a) If the purpose of the kidnaping is for ransom or terrorism, grade as Category Eight;
(b) If a person is held hostage in a known place for purposes of extortion (e.g., forcing a bank manager to drive to a bank to retrieve money by holding a family member hostage at home), grade as Category Seven;
(c) If a victim is used as a shield or hostage in a confrontation with law enforcement authorities, grade as Category Seven;
(d) Otherwise, grade as Category Seven.
(e) Exception: If not for ransom or terrorism, and no bodily injury to victim, and limited duration (e.g., abducting the driver of a truck during a hijacking and releasing him unharmed within an hour), grade as Category Six.
222Demand for Ransom
(a) If a kidnapping has, in fact, occurred, but it is established that the offender was not acting in concert with the kidnapper(s), grade as Category Seven;
(b) If no kidnapping has occurred, grade as “extortion”.
Subchapter D—Sexual Offenses
231Rape or Forcible Sodomy
(a) Category Seven.
(b) Exception: If a prior consensual sexual relationship between victim and offender is present, grade as Category Six.
232Carnal Knowledge* or Sodomy Involving Minors
(a) Grade as Category Four, except as provided below.
(b) If the relationship is clearly consensual and the victim is at least fourteen years old, and the age difference between the victim and offender is less than four years, grade as Category One.
(c) If the victim is less than twelve years old, grade as Category Seven.
(d) If the offender is an adult who has abused a position of trust (e.g., teacher, counselor, or physician), or the offense involved predatory sexual behavior, grade as Category Seven. Sexual behavior is deemed predatory when the offender repeatedly uses any trick or other device to attract, lure, or bribe victims into the initial contact that results in the offense.
233Other Unlawful Sexual Conduct With Minors
(a) Category Four
(b) Exception: If the victim is less than twelve years old grade as Category Six.
Subchapter E—Offenses Involving Aircraft
241Aircraft Piracy
Category Eight.
242Interference with a Flight Crew
(a) If the conduct or attempted conduct has potential for creating a significant safety risk to an aircraft or passengers, grade as Category Seven.
(b) Otherwise, grade as Category Two.
Subchapter F—Communication of Threats
251Communicating a Threat [to kill, assault, or kidnap]
(a) Category Four;
(b) Notes:
(1) Any overt act committed for the purposes of carrying out a threat in this subchapter may be considered as an aggravating factor.
(2) If for purposes of extortion or obstruction of justice, grade according to Chapter Three, subchapter C, or Chapter Six, subchapter B, as applicable.
Chapter ThreeOffenses Involving Property
Subchapter A—Arson and Other Property Destruction Offenses
301Property Destruction by Fire or Explosives
(a) If the conduct results in serious bodily injury* or if ‘serious bodily injury is the result intended’*, grade as Category Seven;
(b) If the conduct (i) involves any place where persons are present or likely to be present; or (ii) involves a residence, building, or other structure; or (iii) results in bodily injury*, grade as Category Six;
(c) Otherwise, grade as “property destruction other than listed above” but not less than Category Five.
302Wrecking a Train
Category Seven.
303Property Destruction Other Than Listed Above
(a) If the conduct results in bodily injury *, or serious bodily injury *, or if serious bodily injury is the result intended *, grade as if “assault during commission of another offense;”
(b) If damage of more than $5,000,000 is caused, grade as Category Seven;
(c) If damage of more than $1,000,000 but not more than $5,000,000 is caused, grade as Category Six;
(d) If damage of more than $200,000 but not more than $1,000,000 is caused, grade as Category Five;
(e) If damage of at least $40,000 but not more than $200,000 is caused, grade as Category Four;
(f) If damage of at least $2,000 but less than $40,000 is caused, grade as Category Three;
(g) If damage of less than $2,000 is caused, grade as Category One;
(h) Exception: If a significant interruption of a government or public utility function is caused, grade as not less than Category Three.
Subchapter B—Criminal Entry Offenses
311Burglary or Unlawful Entry
(a) If the conduct involves an armory or similar facility (e.g., a facility where automatic weapons or war materials are stored) for the purpose of theft or destruction of weapons or war materials, grade as Category Six;
(b) If the conduct involves an inhabited dwelling (whether or not a victim is present), or any premises with a hostile confrontation with a victim, grade as Category Five;
(c) If the conduct involves use of explosives or safecracking, grade as Category Five;
(d) Otherwise, grade as “theft” offense, but not less than Category Two.
(e) Exception: If the grade of the applicable “theft” offense exceeds the grade under this subchapter, grade as a “theft” offense.
Subchapter C—Robbery, Extortion, and Blackmail
(a) Category Five.
(b) Exceptions:
(1) If the grade of the applicable “theft” offense exceeds the grade for robbery, grade as a “theft” offense.
(2) If any offender forces a victim to accompany any offender to a different location, or if a victim is forcibly detained by being tied, bound, or locked up, grade as Category Six.
(3) Pickpocketing (stealth—no force or fear), see subchapter D.
(c) Note: Grade purse snatching (fear or force) as robbery.
(a) If by threat of physical injury to person or property, or extortionate extension of credit (loansharking), grade as Category Five;
(b) If by use of official governmental position, grade according to Chapter Six, subchapter C.
(c) If neither (a) nor (b) is applicable, grade under Chapter Eleven, subchapter F;
323Blackmail [threat to injure reputation or accuse of crime]
Grade as a “theft” offense according to the value of the property demanded, but not less than Category Three. Actual damage to reputation may be considered as an aggravating factor.
Subchapter D—Theft and Related Offenses
331Theft, Forgery, Fraud, Trafficking in Stolen Property*, Interstate Transportation of Stolen Property, Receiving Stolen Property, Embezzlement, and Related Offenses
(a) If the value of the property* is more than $5,000,000, grade as Category Seven;
(b) If the value of the property* is more than $1,000,000 but not more than $5,000,000, grade as Category Six;
(c) If the value of the property* is more than $200,000 but not more than $1,000,000, grade as Category Five;
(d) If the value of the property* is at least $40,000 but not more than $200,000, grade as Category Four;
(e) If the value of the property* is at least $2,000 but less than $40,000, grade as Category Three;
(f) If the value of the property* is less than $2,000, grade as Category One.
(g) Exceptions:
(1) Offenses involving stolen checks, credit cards, money orders or mail, forgery, fraud, interstate transportation of stolen or forged securities, trafficking in stolen property, or embezzlement shall be graded as not less than Category Two;
(2) Theft of an automobile shall be graded as no less than Category Three. Note: where the vehicle was recovered within 72 hours with no significant damage and the circumstances indicate that the only purpose of the theft was temporary use (e.g., joyriding), such circumstances may be considered as a mitigating factor.
(3) Grade obtaining drugs for own use by a fraudulent or fraudulently obtained prescription as Category Two.
(4) Grade manufacture, sale, and fraudulent use of credit cards as follows:
(i) Grade the manufacture, distribution or possession of counterfeit or altered credit cards as not less than Category Four.
(ii) Grade the distribution or possession of multiple stolen credit cards as not less than Category Three.
(iii) Grade the distribution or possession of a single stolen credit card as not less than Category Two.
(h) Note: In “theft” offenses, the total amount of the theft committed or attempted by the offender, or others acting in concert with the offender, is to be used.
(2) Grade fraudulent sale of drugs (e.g., sale of sugar as heroin) as ‘fraud’.
332Pickpocketing [stealth-no force or fear]
Grade as a “theft” offense, but not less than Category Three.
333Fraudulent Loan Applications
Grade as a “fraud” offense according to the amount of the loan.
334Preparation or Possession of Fraudulent Documents
(a) If for purposes of committing another offense, grade according to the offense intended;
(b) Otherwise, grade as Category Two.
335Criminal Copyright Offenses
(a) If very large scale (e.g., more than 100,000 sound recordings or more than 10,000 audio visual works), grade as Category Five;
(b) If large scale (e.g., 20,000-100,000 sound recordings or 2,000-10,000 audio visual works), grade as Category Four;
(c) If medium scale (e.g., 2,000-19,999 sound recordings or 200-1,999 audio visual works), grade as Category Three;
(d) If small scale (e.g., less than 2,000 sound recordings or less than 200 audio visual works), grade as Category Two.
Subchapter E—Counterfeiting and Related Offenses
341Passing or Possession of Counterfeit Currency or Other Medium of Exchange*
(a) If the face value of the currency or other medium of exchange is more than $5,000,000, grade as Category Seven;
(b) If the face value of the currency or other medium of exchange is more than $1,000,000 but not more than $5,000,000, grade as Category Six;
(c) If the face value is more than $200,000 but not more than $1,000,000, grade as Category Five;
(d) If the face value is at least $40,000 but not more than $200,000, grade as Category Four;
(e) If the face value is at least $2,000 but less than $40,000, grade as Category Three;
(f) If the face value is less than $2,000, grade as Category Two.
342Manufacture of Counterfeit Currency or Other Medium of Exchange* or Possession of Instruments for Manufacture
Grade manufacture or possession of instruments for manufacture (e.g., a printing press or plates) according to the quantity printed (see passing or possession)), but not less than Category Five. The term manufacture refers to the capacity to print or generate multiple copies; it does not apply to pasting together parts of different notes.
Subchapter F—Bankruptcy Offenses
351Fraud in Bankruptcy or Concealing Property
Grade as a “fraud” offense.
Subchapter G—Violation of Securities or Investment Regulations and Antitrust Offenses
361Violation of Securities or Investment Regulations
(a) If for purposes of fraud, grade according to the underlying offense;
(b) Otherwise, grade as Category Two.
362Antitrust Offenses
(a) If estimated economic impact is more than one million dollars, grade as Category Four;
(b) If the estimated economic impact is more than $100,000 but not more than one million dollars, grade as Category Three;
(c) Otherwise, grade as Category Two.
(d) Note: The term ‘economic impact’ refers to the estimated loss to any victims (e.g., loss to consumers from a price fixing offense).
363Insider Trading
(a) If the estimated economic impact is more than $5,000,000, grade as Category Seven;
(b) If the estimated economic impact is more than $1,000,000 but not more than $5,000,000, grade as Category Six;
(c) If the estimated economic impact is more than $200,000 but not more than $1,000,000, grade as Category Five;
(d) If the estimated economic impact is at least $40,000 but not more than $200,000, grade as Category Four;
(e) If the estimated economic impact is at least $2,000 but less than $40,000, grade as Category Three;
(f) If the estimated economic impact is less than $2,000, grade as Category Two.
(g) Note: The term ‘economic impact’ includes the damage sustained by the victim whose information was unlawfully used, plus any other illicit profit resulting from the offense.
Chapter FourOffenses Involving Immigration, Naturalization, and Passports
401Unlawfully Entering the United States as an Alien
Category One.
402Transportation of Unlawful Alien(s)
(a) If the transportation of unlawful alien(s) involves detention and demand for payment, grade as Category Five;
(b) Otherwise, grade as Category Three.
403Offenses Involving Passports
(a) If making an unlawful passport for distribution to another, possession with intent to distribute, or distribution of an unlawful passport, grade as Category Three;
(b) If fraudulently acquiring or improperly using a passport, grade as Category Two.
404Offenses Involving Naturalization or Citizenship Papers
(a) If forging or falsifying naturalization or citizenship papers for distribution to another, possession with intent to distribute, or distribution, grade as Category Three;
(b) If acquiring fraudulent naturalization or citizenship papers for own use or improper use of such papers, grade as Category Two;
(c) If failure to surrender canceled naturalization or citizenship certificate(s), grade as Category One.
Chapter FiveOffenses Involving Revenue
Subchapter A—Internal Revenue Offenses
501Tax Evasion [income tax or other taxes]
(a) If the amount of tax evaded or evasion attempted is more than $5,000,000, grade as Category Seven;
(b) If the amount of tax evaded or evasion attempted is more than $1,000,000 but not more than $5,000,000, grade as Category Six;
(c) If the amount of tax evaded or evasion attempted is more than $200,000 but not more than $1,000,000, grade as Category Five;
(d) If the amount of tax evaded or evasion attempted is at least $40,000 but not more than $200,000, grade as Category Four;
(e) If the amount of tax evaded or evasion attempted is at least $2,000 but less than $40,000, grade as Category Three;
(f) If the amount of tax evaded or evasion attempted is less than $2,000, grade as Category One.
(g) Notes:
(1) Grade according to the amount of tax evaded or evasion attempted, not the gross amount of income.
(2) Tax evasion refers to failure to pay applicable taxes. Grade a false claim for a tax refund (where tax has not been withheld) as a “fraud” offense.
502Operation of an Unregistered Still
Grade as a “tax evasion” offense.
Subchapter B—Customs Offenses
511Smuggling Goods into the United States
(a) If the conduct is for the purpose of tax evasion, grade as a ‘tax evasion’ offense.
(b) If the article is prohibited from entry to the country absolutely (e.g., illicit drugs or weapons), use the grading applicable to possession with intent to distribute of such articles, or the grading applicable to tax evasion, whichever is higher, but not less than Category Two;
(c) If the conduct involves breaking seals, or altering or defacing customs marks, or concealing invoices, grade according to (a) or (b), as applicable, but not less than Category Two.
512Smuggling Goods into Foreign Countries in Violation of Foreign Law (re: 18 U.S.C. 546)
Category Two.
Subchapter C—Contraband Cigarettes
521Trafficking in Contraband Cigarettes (re: 18 U.S.C. 2342)
Grade as a tax evasion offense.
Chapter SixOffenses Involving Governmental Process
Subchapter A—Impersonation of Officials
601Impersonation of Official
(a) If for purposes of commission of another offense, grade according to the offense attempted, but not less than Category Two;
(b) Otherwise, grade as Category Two.
Subchapter B—Obstructing Justice
(a) If the perjured testimony concerns a criminal offense, grade as accessory after the fact, but not less than Category Three;
(b) Otherwise, grade as Category Three.
(c) Suborning perjury, grade as perjury.
612Unlawful False Statements Not Under Oath
Category One.
613Tampering With Evidence or Witness, Victim, Informant or Juror
(a) If concerning a criminal offense, grade as accessory after the fact, but not less than Category Three.
(b) Otherwise, grade as Category Three.
(c) Exception: Intimidation by threat of physical harm, grade as not less than Category Five.
614Misprision of a Felony*
Grade as if “accessory after the fact” but not higher than Category Three.
615Harboring a Fugitive
Grade as if ‘accessory after the fact’ to the offense for which the fugitive is wanted, but not higher than Category Three.
If in connection with another offense for which a severity rating can be assessed, grade the underlying offense and apply the rescission guidelines to determine an additional penalty. Otherwise, grade as Category Three.
617Failure To Appear*
(a) In Felony Proceedings. If in connection with an offense for which a severity rating can be assessed, add to the guidelines otherwise appropriate the following: (i) ≤ 6 months if voluntary return within 6 days, or (ii) 6-12 months in any other case. Otherwise, grade as Category Three.
(b) In Misdemeanor Proceedings. Grade as Category One.
(c) Note: For purposes of this subsection, a misdemeanor is defined as an offense for which the maximum penalty authorized by law (not necessarily the penalty actually imposed) does not exceed one year.
618Contempt of Court
(a) Criminal Contempt (re: 18 U.S.C. 402). Where imposed in connection with a prisoner serving a sentence for another offense, add <<=6 months to the guidelines otherwise appropriate.
(b) Exception: If a criminal sentence is imposed under 18 U.S.C. 401 for refusal to testify concerning a criminal offense, grade such conduct as if accessory after the fact.
(c) Civil Contempt. See 28 CFR 2.10.
Subchapter C—Official Corruption
621Bribery or Extortion [use of official position—no physical threat]
(a)Grade as a “theft offense” according to the value of the bribe demanded or received, or the favor received by the bribe-giver (whichever is greater), but not less than Category Three. The “favor received” is the gross value of the property, contract, obligation, interest, or payment intended to be awarded to the bribe-giver in return for the bribe. Grade the bribe-taker in the same manner.
(b) If the above conduct involves a pattern of corruption (e.g., multiple instances), grade as not less than Category Four.
(c) If the purpose of the conduct is the obstruction of justice, grade as if “perjury”.
(d) Notes:
(1) The grading in this subchapter applies to each party to a bribe.
(2) The extent to which the criminal conduct involves a breach of public trust, causing injury beyond that describable by monetary gain, may be considered as an aggravating factor.
622Other Unlawful Use of Governmental Position
Category Two.
Subchapter D—Voting Fraud
631Voting Fraud
Category Four.
Chapter SevenOffenses Involving Individual Rights
Subchapter A—Offenses Involving Civil Rights
701Conspiracy Against Rights of Citizens (re: 18 U.S.C. 241)
(a) If death results, grade as Category Eight;
(b) Otherwise, grade as if “assault”.
702Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law (re: 18 U.S.C. 242)
(a) If death results, grade as Category Eight;
(b) Otherwise, grade as if “assault”.
703Federally Protected Activity (re: 18 U.S.C. 245)
(a) If death results, grade as Category Eight;
(b) Otherwise, grade as if “assault”.
704Intimidation of Persons in Real Estate Transactions Based on Racial Discrimination (re: 42 U.S.C. 3631)
(a) If death results, grade as Category Eight;
(b) Otherwise, grade as if “assault”.
705Transportation of Strikebreakers (re: 18 U.S.C. 1231)
Category Two.
Subchapter B—Offenses Involving Privacy
711Interception and Disclosure of Wire or Oral Communications (re: 18 U.S.C. 2511)
Category Two.
712Manufacture, Distribution, Possession, and Advertising of Wire or Oral Communication Intercepting Devices (re: 18 U.S.C. 2512)
(a) Category Three.
(b) Exception: If simple possession, grade as Category Two.
713Unauthorized Opening of Mail
Category Two.
Chapter EightOffenses Involving Explosives and Weapons
Subchapter A—Explosives Offenses and Other Dangerous Articles
801Unlawful Possession or Distribution of Explosives; or Use of Explosives During a Felony
Grade according to offense intended, but not less than Category Five.
802Mailing Explosives or Other Injurious Articles With Intent To Commit a Crime
Grade according to offense intended, but not less than Category Five.
Subchapter B—Firearms
811Possession by Prohibited Person (e.g., ex-felon)
(a) If single weapon (rifle, shotgun, or handgun) with ammunition of the same caliber, or ammunition of a single caliber (without weapon), grade as Category Three;
(b) If multiple weapons (rifles, shotguns, or handguns), or ammunition of different calibers, or single weapon and ammunition of a different caliber, grade as Category Four.
812Unlawful Possession or Manufacture of Sawed-off Shotgun, Machine Gun, Silencer, or “Assassination kit”
(a) If silencer or “assassination kit”, grade as Category Six;
(b) If sawed-off shotgun or machine gun, grade as Category Five.
813Unlawful Distribution of Weapons or Possession With Intent To Distribute
(a) If silencer(s) or “assassination kit(s)”, grade as Category Six;
(b) If sawed-off shotgun(s) or machine gun(s), grade as Category Five;
(c) If multiple weapons (rifles, shotguns, or handguns), or ammunition of different calibers, or single weapon and ammunition of a different caliber, grade as Category Four;
(d) If single weapon (rifle, shotgun, or handgun) with ammunition of the same caliber, or ammunition of a single caliber (without weapon), grade as Category Three.
Chapter NineOffenses Involving Illicit Drugs
Subchapter A—Heroin and Opiate* Offenses
901Distribution or Possession With Intent To Distribute
(a) If extremely large scale (e.g., involving 3 kilograms or more of 100% pure heroin, or equivalent amount), grade as Category Eight [except as noted in (c) below];
(b) if very large scale (e.g., involving 1 kilogram but less than 3 kilograms of 100% pure heroin, or equivalent amount), grade as Category Seven [except as noted in (c) below];
(c) Where the Commission finds that the offender had only a peripheral role*, grade conduct under (a) or (b) as Category Six;
(d) If large scale (e.g., involving 50-999 grams of 100% pure heroin, or equivalent amount), grade as Category Six [except as noted in (e) below];
(e) Where the Commission finds that the offender had only a peripheral role*, grade conduct under (d) as Category Five.
(f) If medium scale (e.g., involving 5-49 grams of 100% pure heroin, or equivalent amount), grade as Category Five;
(g) If small scale (e.g., involving less than 5 grams of 100% pure heroin, or equivalent amount), grade as Category Four;
902Simple Possession
Category One.
Subchapter B—Marihuana and Hashish Offenses
911Distribution or Possession With Intent To Distribute
(a) If extremely large scale (e.g., involving 20,000 pounds or more of marihuana/6,000 pounds or more of hashish/600 pounds or more of hash oil), grade as Category Six [except as noted in (b) below];
(b) Where the Commission finds that the offender had only a peripheral role, grade* conduct under (a) as Category Five;
(c) If very large scale (e.g., involving 2,000-19,999 pounds of marihuana/600-5,999 pounds of hashish/60-599 pounds of hash oil), grade as Category Five;
(d) If large scale (e.g., involving 200-1,999 pounds of marihuana/60-599 pounds of hashish/6-59.9 pounds of hash oil), grade as Category Four;
(e) If medium scale (e.g., involving 50-199 pounds of marihuana/15-59.9 pounds of hashish/1.5-5.9 pounds of hash oil), grade as Category Three;
(f) If small scale (e.g., involving 10-49 pounds of marihuana/3-14.9 pounds of hashish/.3-1.4 pounds of hash oil), grade as Category Two;
(g) If very small scale (e.g., involving less than 10 pounds of marihuana/less than 3 pounds of hashish/less than .3 pounds of hash oil), grade as Category One.
912Simple Possession
Category One.
Subchapter C—Cocaine Offenses
921 Distribution or Possession With Intent to Distribute
(a) If extremely large scale (e.g., involving 15 kilograms or more of 100% purity, or equivalent amount; or 1.5 kilograms or more of freebased cocaine), grade as Category Eight [except as noted in (c) below];
(b) If very large scale (e.g., involving 5 kilograms, but less than 15 kilograms of 100% purity, or equivalent amount; or 500 grams but less than 1.5 kilograms of freebased cocaine), grade as Category Seven [except as noted in (c) below];
(c) Where the Commission finds that the offender had only a peripheral role*, grade conduct under (a) or (b) as Category Six;
(d) If large scale (e.g., involving more than 1 kilogram, but less than 5 kilograms of 100% purity, or equivalent amount; or more than 100 grams, but less than 500 grams of freebased cocaine) grade as Category Six [except as noted in (e) below];
(e) Where the Commission finds that the offender had only a peripheral role, grade conduct under (d) as Category Five;
(f) If medium scale (e.g., involving 100 grams-1 kilogram of 100% purity, or equivalent amount; or 10 grams-100 grams of freebased cocaine), grade as Category Five;
(g) If small scale (e.g., involving 5-99 grams of 100% purity, or equivalent amount; or 1 gram-9.9 grams of freebased cocaine), grade as Category Four;
(h) If very small scale (e.g., involving less than 1.0-4.9 grams of 100% purity, or equivalent amount; or less than 1 gram of freebased cocaine), grade as Category Three;
(i) If extremely small scale (e.g., involving less than 1 gram of 100% purity, or equivalent amount), grade as Category Two.
922Simple Possession
Category One.
Subchapter D—Other Illicit Drug Offenses
931Distribution or Possession With Intent To Distribute
(a) If very large scale (e.g., involving more than 200,000 doses), grade as Category Six [except as noted in (b) below];
(b) Where the Commission finds that the offender had only a peripheral role*, grade conduct under (a) as Category Five;
(c) If large scale (e.g., involving 20,000-200,000 doses), grade as Category Five;
(d) If medium scale (e.g., involving 1,000-19,999 doses), grade as Category Four;
(e) If small scale (e.g., involving 200-999 doses), grade as Category Three;
(f) If very small scale (e.g., involving less than 200 doses), grade as Category Two.
932Simple Possession
Category One.
Notes to Chapter Nine:
(1) Grade manufacture of synthetic illicit drugs as listed above, but not less than Category Five.
(2) “Equivalent amounts” for the cocaine and opiate categories may be computed as follows: 1 gram of 100% pure is equivalent to 2 grams of 50% pure and 10 grams of 10% pure, etc.
(3) Grade unlawful possession or distribution of precursors of illicit drugs as Category Five (i.e., aiding and abetting the manufacture of synthetic illicit drugs).
(4) If weight, but not purity is available, the following grading may be used:
Extremely large scale—6 kilograms or more
Very large scale—2-5.99 kilograms
Large scale—200 gms.-1.99 kilograms
Medium scale—28.35-199.99 gms.
Small scale—Less than 28.35 gms.
Extremely large scale—18.75 kilograms or more
Very large scale—6.25-18.74 kilograms
Large scale—1.25-6.24 kilograms
Medium scale—200 gms.-1.24 kilograms
Small scale—20 gms.-199.99 gms.
Very small scale—4 gms.-19.99 gms.
Extremely small scale—Less than 4 gms.
Chapter TenOffenses Involving National Defense
Subchapter A—Treason and Related Offenses
Category Eight.
1002Rebellion or Insurrection
Category Seven.
Subchapter B—Sabotage and Related Offenses
Category Eight.
1012Enticing Desertion
(a) In time of war or during a national defense emergency, grade as Category Four;
(b) Otherwise, grade as Category Three.
1013Harboring or Aiding a Deserter
Category One.
Subchapter C—Espionage and Related Offenses
Category Eight.
Subchapter D—Selective Service Offenses
1031Failure to Register, Report for Examination or Induction
(a) If committed during time of war or during a national defense emergency, grade as Category Four;
(b) If committed when draftees are being inducted into the armed services, grade as Category Three;
(c) Otherwise, grade as Category One.
Subchapter E—Other National Defense Offenses
1041Offenses Involving Nuclear Energy
Unauthorized production, possession, or transfer of nuclear weapons or special nuclear material or receipt of or tampering with restricted data on nuclear weapons or special nuclear material, grade as Category Eight.
1042Violations of Export Administration Act (50 U.S.C. 2410)
Grade conduct involving “national security controls” or “nuclear nonproliferation controls” as Category Six.
1043 Violations of the Arms Control Act (22 U.S.C. 2278)
(a) Grade conduct involving export of sophisticated weaponry (e.g., aircraft, helicopters, armored vehicles, or “high technology” items) as Category Six.
(b) Grade Conduct involving export of other weapons (e.g., rifles, handguns, machine guns, or hand grenades) as if a weapons/explosive distribution offense under Offenses Involving Explosives and Weapons (Chapter Eight).
Chapter Eleven—Offenses Involving Organized Crime Activity, Gambling, Obscenity, Sexual Exploitation of Children, Prostitution, Non-Governmental Corruption, and the Environment
Subchapter A—Organized Crime Offenses
1101Racketeer Influence and Corrupt Organizations (re: 18 U.S.C. 1961-63)
Grade according to the underlying offense attempted, but not less than Category Five.
1102Interstate or Foreign Travel or Transportation in Aid of Racketeering Enterprise (re: 18 U.S.C. 1952)
Grade according to the underlying offense attempted, but not less than Category Three.
Subchapter B—Gambling Offenses
1111Gambling Law Violations—Operating or Employment in an Unlawful Business (re: 18 U.S.C. 1955)
(a) If large scale operation [e.g., Sports books (estimated daily gross more than $15,000); Horse books (estimated daily gross more than $4,000); Numbers bankers (estimated daily gross more than $2,000); Dice or card games (estimated daily ‘house cut’ more than $1,000); video gambling (eight or more machines)]; grade as Category Four;
(b) If medium scale operation [e.g., Sports books (estimated daily gross $5,000—$15,000); Horse books (estimated daily gross $1,500—$4,000); Numbers bankers (estimated daily gross $750—$2,000); Dice or card games (estimated daily ‘house cut’ $400—$1,000); video gambling (four-seven machines)]; grade as Category Three;
(c) If small scale operation [e.g., Sports books (estimated daily gross less than $5,000); Horse books (estimated daily gross less than $1,500); Numbers bankers (estimated daily gross less than $750); Dice or card games (estimated daily ‘house cut’ less than $400); video gambling (three or fewer machines)]; grade as Category Two;
(d) Exception: Where it is established that the offender had no proprietary interest or managerial role, grade as Category One.
1112Interstate Transportation of Wagering Paraphernalia (re: 18 U.S.C. 1953)
Grade as if ‘operating a gambling business’.
1113Wire Transmission of Wagering Information (re: 18 U.S.C. 1084)
Grade as if “operating a gambling business”.
1114Operating or Owning a Gambling Ship (re: 18 U.S.C. 1082)
Category Three.
1115Importing or Transporting Lottery Tickets; Mailing Lottery Tickets or Related Matter (re: 18 U.S.C. 1301, 1302)
(a) Grade as if “operating a gambling business”;
(b) Exception: If non-commercial, grade as Category One.
Subchapter C—Obscenity
1121Mailing, Importing, or Transporting Obscene Matter
(a) If for commercial purposes, grade as Category Three;
(b) Otherwise, Category One.
1122Broadcasting Obscene Language
Category One.
Subchapter D—Sexual Exploitation of Children
1131Sexual Exploitation of Children* (re: 18 U.S.C. 2251, 2252)
(a) Category Six;
(b) Exception: Where the Commission finds the offender had only a peripheral role (e.g., a retailer receiving such material for resale but with no involvement in the production or wholesale distribution of such material), grade as Category Five.
Subchapter E—Prostitution and White Slave Traffic
1141Interstate Transportation for Commercial Purposes
(a) If physical coercion, or involving person(s) of age less than 18, grade as Category Six;
(b) Otherwise, grade as Category Four.
Category One.
Subchapter F—Non-Governmental Corruption
1151Demand or Acceptance of Unlawful Gratuity Not Involving Federal, State, or Local Government Officials
Grade as if a fraud offense according to (1) the amount of the bribe offered or demanded, or (2) the financial loss to the victim, whichever is higher.
1152Sports Bribery
If the conduct involves bribery in a sporting contest, grade as if a theft offense according to the amount of the bribe, but not less than Category Three.
Subchapter G—Currency Offenses
1161Reports on Monetary Instrument Transactions
(a) If extremely large scale (e.g., the estimated gross amount of currency involved is more than $5,000,000), grade as Category Seven;
(b) If very large scale (e.g., the estimated gross amount of currency involved is more than $1,000,000 but not more than $5,000,000), grade as Category Six;
(c) If large scale (e.g., the estimated gross amount of currency involved is more than $200,000 but not more than $1,000,000), grade as Category Five;
(d) If medium scale (e.g., the estimated gross amount of currency involved is at least $40,000 but not more than $200,000), grade as Category Four;
(e) If small scale (e.g., the estimated gross amount of currency involved is less than $40,000), grade as Category Three.
Subchapter H—Environmental Offenses
1171Knowing Endangerment Resulting From Unlawful Treatment, Transportation, Storage, or Disposal of Hazardous Waste [Re: 42 U.S.C. 6928(e)]
(a) If death results, grade as Category Seven;
(b) If serious bodily injury results, grade as Category Six;
(c) Otherwise, grade as Category Five.
(d) Note: Knowing Endangerment requires a finding that the offender knowingly transported, treated, stored, or disposed of any hazardous waste and knew that he thereby placed another person in imminent danger of death or serious bodily injury.
1172Knowing Disposal and/or Storage and Treatment of Hazardous Waste Without a Permit; Transportation of Hazardous Waste to an Unpermitted Facility [Re: 42 U.S.C. 6928(d)(1-2)]
(a) If death results, grade as Category Six;
(b) If (1) serious bodily injury results; or (2) a substantial potential for death or serious bodily injury in the future results; or (3) a substantial disruption to the environment results (e.g., estimated cleanup cost exceeds $200,000, or a community is evacuated for more than 72 hours), grade as Category Five;
(c) If (1) bodily injury results, or (2) a significant disruption to the environment results (e.g., estimated cleanup costs of $40,000-$200,000, or a community is evacuated for 72 hours or less), grade as Category Four;
(d) Otherwise, grade as Category Three;
(e) Exception: Where the offender is a non-managerial employee (i.e., a truck driver or loading dock worker) acting under the orders of another person, grade as two categories below the underlying offense, but not less than Category One.
Chapter TwelveMiscellaneous Offenses
If an offense behavior is not listed, the proper category may be obtained by comparing the severity of the offense behavior with those of similar offense behaviors listed in Chapters One-Eleven. If, and only if, an offense behavior cannot be graded by reference to Chapters One-Eleven, the following formula may be used as a guide.
Chapter ThirteenGeneral Notes and Definitions
Subchapter A—General Notes
1. If an offense behavior can be classified under more than one category, the most serious applicable category is to be used.
2. If an offense behavior involved multiple separate offenses, the severity level may be increased. Exception: in cases graded as Category Seven, multiple separate offenses are to be taken into account by consideration of a decision above the guidelines rather than by increasing the severity level.
(a) In certain instances, the guidelines specify how multiple offenses are to be rated. In offenses rated by monetary loss (e.g., theft and related offenses, counterfeiting, tax evasion) or drug offenses, the total amount of the property or drugs involved is used as the basis for the offense severity rating. In instances not specifically covered in the guidelines, the decision-makers must exercise discretion as to whether or not the multiple offense behavior is sufficiently aggravating to justify increasing the severity rating. The following chart is intended to provide guidance in assessing whether the severity of multiple offenses is sufficient to raise the offense severity level; it is not intended as a mechanical rule.
Examples: 3 Category Five Offense [3×(9)=27]=Category Six, 5 Category Five Offenses [5×(9)=45]=Category Seven, 2 Category Six Offenses [2×(27)=54]=Category Seven
(b) The term ‘multiple separate offenses’ generally refers to offenses committed at different times. However, there are certain circumstances in which offenses committed at the same time are properly considered multiple separate offenses for the purpose of establishing the offense severity rating. These include (1) unrelated offenses, and (2) offenses involving the unlawful possession of weapons during commission of another offense.
(c) For offenses graded according to monetary value (e.g., theft) and drug offenses, the severity rating is based on the amount or quantity involved and not on the number of separate instances.
(d) Intervening Arrests. Where offenses ordinarily graded by aggregation of value/quantity (e.g., property or drug offenses) are separated by an intervening arrest, grade (1) by aggregation of value/quantity or (2) as multiple separate offenses, whichever results in a higher severity category.
(e) Income Tax Violations Related to Other Criminal Activity. Where the circumstances indicate that the offender's income tax violations are related to failure to report income from other criminal activity (e.g., failure to report income from a fraud offense) grade as tax evasion or according to the underlying criminal activity established, whichever is high