31.3306(c)(5)-1—Family employment.

(a) Certain services are excepted from employment because of the existence of a family relationship between the employee and the individual employing him. The exceptions are as follows:
(1) Services performed by an individual in the employ of his or her spouse;
(2) Services performed by a father or mother in the employ of his or her son or daughter; and
(3) Services performed by a son or daughter under the age of 21 in the employ of his or her father or mother.
(b) Under paragraph (a) (1) and (2) of this section, the exception is conditioned solely upon the family relationship between the employee and the individual employing him. Under paragraph (a)(3) of this section, in addition to the family relationship, there is a further requirement that the son or daughter shall be under the age of 21, and the exception continues only during the time that such son or daughter is under the age of 21.
(c) Services performed in the employ of a corporation are not within the exception. Services performed in the employ of a partnership are not within the exception unless the requisite family relationship exists between the employee and each of the partners comprising the partnership.