1.904(f)-6—Transitional rule for recapture of FORI and general limitation overall foreign losses incurred in taxable years beginning before January 1, 1983, from foreign source taxable income s
(a) General rule.
For taxable years beginning after December 31, 1982, foreign source taxable income subject to the general limitation includes foreign oil related income (as defined in section 907(c)(2) prior to its amendment by section 211 of the Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982). However, for purposes of recapturing general limitation overall foreign losses incurred in taxable years beginning before January 1, 1983 (pre-1983) out of foreign source taxable income subject to the general limitation in taxable years beginning after December 31, 1982 (post-1982), the taxpayer shall make separate determinations of foreign oil related income and other general limitation income (as if the FORI limitation under “old section 907(b) ” (prior to its amendment by section 211 of the Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982) were still in effect), and shall apply the rules set forth in this section. The taxpayer shall maintain separate accounts for its pre-1983 FORI limitation overall foreign losses, its pre-1983 general limitation overall foreign losses (or its pre-1983 section 904(d)(1) (A-C) overall foreign losses if such losses were computed on a combined basis), and its post-1982 general limitation overall foreign losses. The taxpayer shall continue to maintain such separate accounts, make such separate determinations, and apply the rules of this section separately to each account until the earlier of—
Such time as the taxpayer's entire pre-1983 FORI limitation overall foreign loss account and pre-1983 general limitation overall foreign loss account (or, if the taxpayer determined pre-1983 overall foreign losses on a combined basis, the section 904(d)(1) (A-C) account) have been recaptured, or
The end of the taxpayer's 8th post-1982 taxable year, at which time the taxpayer shall add any remaining balance in its pre-1983 FORI limitation account and pre-1983 general limitation overall foreign loss account (or the section 904(d)(1) (A-C) account) to its post-1982 general limitation overall foreign loss account.
(b) Recapture of pre-1983 FORI and general limitation overall foreign losses from post-1982 income.
A taxpayer having a balance in its pre-1983 FORI limitation overall foreign loss account or its pre-1983 general limitation overall foreign loss account (or its pre-1983 section 904(d)(1) (A-C) account) in a post-1982 taxable year shall recapture such overall foreign loss as follows:
(1) Recapture from income subject to the same limitation.
The taxpayer shall first apply the rules of §§ 1.904(f)-1 through 1.904(f)-5 to the taxpayer's separately determined foreign oil related income to recapture the pre-1983 FORI limitation overall foreign loss account, and shall apply such rules to the taxpayer's separately determined general limitation income (exclusive of foreign oil related income) to recapture the pre-1983 general limitation overall foreign loss account (or the section 904(d)(1) (A-C) overall foreign loss account. Rules for determining the recapture of the pre-1983 section 904 (d)(1) (A-C) losses are contained in § 1.904(f)-2(c)(4).
(2) Recapture from income subject to the other limitation.
The taxpayer shall next apply the rules of §§ 1.904(f)-1 through 1.904(f)-5 to the taxpayer's separately determined foreign oil related income to recapture the pre-1983 general limitation overall foreign loss account (or the section 904(d)(1) (A-C) overall foreign loss account) and shall apply such rules to the taxpayer's separately determined general limitation income to recapture foreign oil related losses to the extent that—
The amount recaptured from such separately determined income under paragraph (b)(1) of this section is less than 50 percent (or such larger percentage as the taxpayer elects) of such separately determined income, and
The amount recaptured from such separately determined income under this paragraph (b)(2) does not exceed an amount equal to 12 1/2 percent of the balance in the taxpayer's pre-1983 FORI limitation overall foreign loss account or the pre-1983 general limitation overall foreign loss account (or the section 904(d)(1)(A-C) overall foreign loss account) at the beginning of the taxpayer's first post-1982 taxable year, multiplied by the number of post-1982 taxable years (including the year to which this rule is being applied) which have elapsed, less the amount (if any) recaptured in prior post-1982 taxable years under this paragraph (b)(2) from such separately determined income.
The taxpayer may elect to recapture a pre-1983 overall foreign loss from post-1982 income subject to the general limitation at a faster rate than is required by this paragraph (b)(2). This election shall be made in the same manner as an election to recapture more than 50 percent of the income subject to recapture under section 904(f)(1), as provided in § 1.904(f)-2(c)(2).
(c) Coordination of recapture of pre-1983 and post-1982 overall foreign losses.
A taxpayer incurring a general limitation overall foreign loss in any post-1982 taxable year in which the taxpayer has a balance in a pre-1983 FORI limitation or its pre-1983 general limitation overall foreign loss account (or the section 904(d)(1) (A-C) overall foreign loss account) shall establish a separate overall foreign loss account for such loss. The taxpayer shall recapture its overall foreign losses in succeeding taxable years by first applying the rules of this section to recapture its pre-1983 overall foreign losses, and then applying the rules of §§ 1.904(f)-1 through 1.904(f)-5 to recapture its post-1982 general limitation overall foreign loss. A post-1982 general limitation overall foreign loss is required to be recaptured only to the extent that the amount of foreign source taxable income recharacterized under paragraph (b) of this section is less than 50 percent of the taxpayer's total general limitation foreign source taxable income (including foreign oil related income)) for such taxable year (except as required by section 904(f)(3) ). However, a taxpayer may elect to recapture at a faster rate.
Code of Federal Regulations
Code of Federal Regulations
Code of Federal Regulations
Code of Federal Regulations