1.586-2—Addition to reserve.

(a) General rule. Except as provided by paragraph (b) of this section, the amount computed under this section is the amount necessary to increase the balance of the reserve for bad debts (as of the close of the taxable year) to the greater of:
(1) The amount which bears the same ratio to loans outstanding at the close of the taxable year as (i) the total bad debts sustained during the taxable year and the 5 preceding taxable years (or, with the approval of the Commissioner, a shorter period), adjusted for recoveries of bad debts during such period, bears to (ii) the sum of the loans outstanding at the close of such 6 or fewer taxable years, or
(2) The lower of:
(i) The balance of the reserve as of the close of the base year, or
(ii) If the amount of loans outstanding at the close of the taxable year is less than the amount of loans outstanding at the close of the base year, the amount which bears the same ratio to loans outstanding at the close of the taxable year as the balance of the reserve as of the close of the base year bears to the amount of loans outstanding at the close of the base year.

Code of Federal Regulations

For purposes of subparagraph (2) of this paragraph, the term base year means the last taxable year beginning on or before July 11, 1969. For purposes of applying this paragraph, a period shorter than the 6 years generally would be appropriate only where there is a change in the type of a substantial portion of the loans outstanding such that the risk of loss is substantially increased. For example, if the major portion of a business development corporation's portfolio of loans changes from agricultural loans to industrial loans which results in a substantial increase in the risk of loss, a period shorter than the 6 years may be appropriate. If approval is granted to use a shorter period, the experience for those taxable years which are excluded shall not be used for any subsequent year. A request for approval to exclude the experience of a prior taxable year shall not be considered unless it is sent to the Commissioner at least 30 days before the close of the current taxable year. The request shall include a statement of the reasons such experience should be excluded.
(b) New financial institutions— (1) Small business investment companies. In the case of a new financial institution which is a small business investment company to which section 586 applies, the amount computed under this section is the greater of the amount computed under paragraph (a) of this section or the amount necessary to increase the balance of the reserve for bad debts as of the close of the taxable year to the amount which bears the same ratio to loans outstanding at the close of the taxable year as:
(i) The total bad debts (as determined by the Commissioner) sustained by all such small business investment companies during the 12-month period ending on March 31 that ends with or within the taxpayer's previous taxable year, and during the five 12-month periods ending on March 31 that precede such 12-month period, adjusted for recoveries of bad debts during such periods (as determined by the Commissioner), bears to
(ii) The sum of the loans outstanding (as determined by the Commissioner) by all such small business investment companies at the close of each of such six 12-month periods ending on March 31.
(2) Business development corporations. In the case of a new financial institution which is a business development corporation to which section 586 applies, the amount computed under this section is the greater of the amount computed under paragraph (a) of this section or the amount necessary to increase the balance of the reserve for bad debts as of the close of the taxable year to the amount which bears the same ratio to loans outstanding at the close of the taxable year as:
(i) The total bad debts (as determined by the Commissioner) sustained by all such business development corporations during the calendar year ending with or within the taxpayer's previous taxable year and during the 5 calendar years preceding such calendar year, adjusted for recoveries of bad debts during such period (as determined by the Commissioner), bears to
(ii) The sum of the loans outstanding (as determined by the Commissioner) by all such business development corporations at the close of each of such 6 calendar years.
(c) Definitions. For purposes of this section:
(1) New financial institution. A financial institution is a new financial institution for any taxable year beginning less than 10 years after the day on which it (or any predecessor) was authorized to do business as a financial institution described in the applicable subparagraph of § 1.586-1(b). For this purpose, the term predecessor means (i) any taxpayer which transferred more than 50 percent of the total amount of its assets to the taxpayer and is described in the same subparagraph of § 1.586-1(b) which describes the taxpayer, or (ii) any predecessor of such predecessor.
(2) Loan. (i) The term loan means debt, as the term debt is used in section 166 and the regulations there-under.
(ii) The term loan does not include the following items:
(A) Discount or interest receivable reflected in the face amount of an outstanding loan, which discount or interest has not been included in gross income;
(B) A debt evidenced by a security (as defined in section 165(g)(2)(C) and the regulations thereunder); and
(C) Any loan which is entered into or acquired for the primary purpose of enlarging the otherwise available bad debt deduction.

Code of Federal Regulations

[T.D. 7444, 41 FR 53482, Dec. 7, 1976]