1.367(b)-4T—Acquisition of foreign corporate stock or assets by a foreign corporation in certain nonrecognition transactions (temporary).

(a) through (d) [Reserved] For further guidance, see § 1.367(b)-4(a) through (d).
(e) Application of section 367(b) to transactions described in section 304(a)(1) —(1) Scope and general rule. This section applies to the extent that, pursuant to section 304(a)(1), an exchanging shareholder is treated as transferring the stock of a foreign acquired corporation to a foreign acquiring corporation in a transaction to which section 351(a) applies (deemed section 351 exchange). Except to the extent provided in paragraph (e)(2) of this section, a transfer of stock of a foreign acquired corporation by an exchanging shareholder in a deemed section 351 exchange shall not be subject to paragraph (b) of this section.
(2) Special rule. Notwithstanding paragraph (e)(1) of this section, a transfer of stock of a foreign acquired corporation by an exchanging shareholder to a foreign acquiring corporation in a deemed section 351 exchange shall be subject to paragraph (b) of this section to the extent the distribution received by the exchanging shareholder in redemption of the stock of the foreign acquiring corporation is applied against and reduces, pursuant to section 301(c)(2), the basis of stock of the foreign acquiring corporation held by the exchanging shareholder other than the stock deemed issued by the foreign acquiring corporation in the deemed section 351 exchange.
(3) Allocation of income inclusion. If the income inclusion resulting from the application of paragraph (e)(2) of this section is less than the section 1248 amount attributable to the shares of stock of the foreign acquired corporation transferred by the exchanging shareholder in the deemed section 351 exchange, the amount of the income inclusion attributable to each share of stock transferred in the deemed section 351 exchange shall be determined by multiplying the income inclusion by the percentage that the section 1248 amount attributable to such share of stock bears to the aggregate section 1248 amount attributable to all of the shares of stock transferred in the deemed section 351 exchange.
(4) Example. The rules of this paragraph (e) are illustrated by the following example:

Code of Federal Regulations

Example. (i) Facts. (A) FP, a foreign corporation, wholly owns USP, a domestic corporation. USP wholly owns CFC1, and CFC1 wholly owns CFC2. CFC2 wholly owns CFC3. CFC1, CFC2 and CFC3 are controlled foreign corporations within the meaning of section 957(a). USP, CFC1, CFC2 and CFC3 use a calendar taxable year. CFC1 owns 30% of the outstanding stock of FS, a foreign corporation. FP owns the remaining 70% of the outstanding stock of FS. The CFC2 stock has a $40x basis and $100x fair market value. The FS stock held by CFC1 has a $60x basis and $100x fair market value. As of December 31, year 1, CFC2 has $20x of section 1248 earnings and profits, CFC3 has $40x of section 1248 earnings and profits, and FS has zero earnings and profits. On December 31, year 1, in a transaction described in section 304(a)(1), CFC1 sells the CFC2 stock to FS for $100x cash. FS is not a controlled foreign corporation (within the meaning section 957(a)) either before or after the sale of the CFC2 stock. (B) Because CFC1 wholly owns CFC2 before the transaction and is treated, under section 318, as indirectly owning 100% of the CFC2 stock after the transaction, under section 304(a)(1), CFC2 and FS are treated as if CFC1 contributed the CFC2 stock to FS in a deemed section 351 exchange in exchange solely for $100x of FS stock, and then FS redeemed for $100x cash its stock deemed issued to CFC1. Because CFC1 wholly owned CFC2 before the transaction and is treated, under section 318, as indirectly owning 100% of CFC2 after the transaction, section 302(a) does not apply to the redemption. Instead, under section 302(d), the redemption is treated as a distribution to which section 301 applies. Pursuant to section 304(b)(2), $20x of the distribution is treated as a dividend from the earnings and profits of CFC2. With respect to the remaining $80x, CFC1 takes the position that $40x is applied against and reduces the basis of the FS stock deemed issued in the transaction, and $40x is applied against and reduces the basis of the FS stock held by CFC1 prior to (and after) the transaction. (ii) Analysis. Under paragraph (e)(2) of this section, the transfer by CFC1 of the CFC2 stock to FS in the deemed section 351 exchange is subject to paragraph (b) of this section to the extent the distribution received by CFC1 in redemption of the FS stock issued in the deemed section 351 exchange is applied against and reduces, under section 301(c)(2), the basis of the FS stock held by CFC1 before (and after) the transaction. Thus, because $40x of the distribution received by CFC1 from FS in redemption of the FS stock issued in the deemed section 351 exchange is applied against and reduces, under section 301(c)(2), the basis of the FS stock held by CFC1 before (and after) the transaction, under paragraph (b) of this section, CFC1 must include $40x in income as a deemed dividend. See § 1.367(b)-2(e) for the treatment of the $40x income inclusion. In total, CFC1 recognizes dividend income of $60x, $20x from the application of section 304(a)(1) to the sale of the CFC2 stock to FS and $40x under paragraph (b) of this section by reason of the application of paragraph (e)(2) of this section.
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(f) Effective/applicability date. Paragraph (e) of this section applies to transfers occurring on or after February 10, 2009. See § 1.367(b)-4, as contained in 26 CFR part 1 revised as of April 1, 2008, for transfers occurring on or after February 21, 2006, and before February 10, 2009.
(g) Expiration date. This section expires on or before February 10, 2012.

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[T.D. 9444, 74 FR 6826, Feb. 11, 2009]