87.3—Time limits.

(a) The Secretary shall cause to begin as early as possible the necessary research to determine the identity of the ultimate or present day beneficiaries of judgments. Such research shall be done under the direction of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs. The affected tribes or groups shall be encouraged to submit pertinent data. All pertinent data, including cultural, political and historical material, and records, including membership, census and other rolls shall be considered. If more than one entity is determined to be eligible to participate in the use or distribution of the funds, the results of the research shall include a proposed formula for the division or apportionment of the judgment funds among or between the involved entities.
(b) The results of all research shall be provided to the governing bodies of all affected tribes and groups. The Area Director shall assist the affected tribe or group in arranging for preliminary sessions or meetings of the tribal governing body, or public meetings. The Area Director shall make a presentation of the results of the research and shall arrange for expertise of the Bureau of Indian Affairs to be available at these meetings to assist the tribe or group in developing a use or distribution proposal, bearing in mind that under the Act not less than twenty (20) per centum of the judgment funds, including investment income thereon, is to be used for tribal programs unless the Secretary determines that the particular circumstances of the affected Indian tribe clearly warrant otherwise.