81.18—Manner of voting.

(a) Registered voters may vote by arriving at the appropriate polling place within the prescribed voting hours telling officials their names and addresses, signing their signature or mark on the voting list, and by marking and placing in the ballot box the ballots which will be handed to them. Voting shall be by secret ballot.
(b) Voting may take place at the same time regarding the adoption of a constitution, the ratification of a charter, or the amendment of such documents; provided, that entitlement to vote for the proposal is consistent with § 81.6 of this part and, provided further, that no charter shall be considered ratified if the proposed constitution is not adopted and approved.
(c) The election board may choose not to use polling places and provide for the issuance and receipt of ballots entirely through the United States Postal Service. In that event, the election board shall use the appropriate procedures set forth in this part relating to absentee balloting.