81.14—Election notices.

Not less than 30 nor more than 60 days notice shall be given of the date of the election. Such notice shall include the location of where the results will be posted. The notice shall also advise that persons must register if they intend to vote. The election board shall determine whether the notice will be given by television, radio, newspaper, poster, or mail, or by more than one of these methods and whether in an Indian language in addition to English. A copy of any written election notice may be mailed to each registered voter and shall be posted at the local administrative unit of the Bureau of Indian Affairs and elsewhere as directed by the election board. At any time after receiving Secretarial authorization to hold the election, the board shall make available to the adult members of the tribe the text of any amendment or proposed constitution and bylaws, amendment thereto, charter, or charter amendment. The election board may determine the manner and timing of the distribution. However, the text shall be posted at least within the local administrative unit of the Bureau and the tribal headquarters within two days following the giving of notice of the election date by the election board.