36.77—What are the homeliving staffing requirements?

Homeliving programs must meet the staffing requirements of this section.
(a) Effective with the 2009-2010 school year, each homeliving program must maintain the following student minimum supervisory requirements on weekdays:
Grade level Time of day Ratio
Elementary (Grade 1-6) Morning 1:20.
During school As school needs.
Evening 1:20.
Night 1:40.
High School (Gr. 7-12) Morning 1:20.
During school As school needs.
Evening 1:30.
Night 1:50.
(b) The following staffing ratios apply on weekends:
Grade level Time of day Ratio
Elementary (Grade 1-6) Morning/day 1:20.
Evening 1:20.
Night 1:40.
High School (Gr. 7-12) Morning/day 1:40.
Evening 1:40.
Night 1:50.