286.3—Eligible applicants.
Applications for grants may be accepted only from individual Indians, Indian tribes, Indian partnerships, corporations or cooperative associations authorized to do business under State, Federal, or Tribal law. These applicants must have a form of organization acceptable to the Assistant Secretary and unable to meet their total financing needs from their own resources and by loans from other sources such as banks, Farmers Home Administration, Small Business Administration, Production Credit Associations, and Federal Land Banks. Associations, corporations or partnerships shall be at least fifty-one percent owned by eligible Indians or an eligible Indian tribe. This Indian ownership must actively participate in the management and operation of the economic enterprise by representation on the board of directors of a corporation or cooperative association proportionate to the Indian ownership which will enable the Indian owner(s) to control management decisions. The legal organization documents will provide for the number of Indians which are to be on the board of directors, how they along with other directors will be elected or appointed and qualifications required as a condition for becoming a member of the board of directors. The legal organization documents shall provide safeguards which will prevent Indian ownership and control from decreasing below fifty-one percent. Evidence of Indian ownership in a cooperative association or corporation will be evidenced by stock ownership, if stock is or has been issued, or by other evidence satisfactory to the Assistant Secretary. Partnerships will be evidenced by written partnership agreements which show the percentage of Indian ownership, role and authority in making management decisions in controlling the operation of the economic enterprise.