
A contractor will be required to maintain a recordkeeping system which will allow the Bureau to meet its legal records program requirements under the Federal Records Act (44 U.S.C. 3101 et seq.). Such a record system shall:
(a) Fully reflect all financial transactions involving the receipt and expenditure of funds provided under the contract in a manner which will provide accurate, current and complete disclosure of finanical status; correlation with budget or allowable cost schedules; and clear audit facilitating data.
(b) Reflect the amounts and sources of funds other than Bureau contract funds which may be included in the operation of the contract.
(c) Provide for the creation, maintenance and safeguarding of records of lasting value, including those involving individual rights, such as permanent records and transcripts.
(d) Provide for the orderly retirement of permanent records in accordance with General Records Schedules and the Bureau Records Control Schedule, when there is no established system set up by the State, school district, or Indian corporation.