170.212—What is the timeline for IRRHPPs?

(a) BIA will accept IRRHPP applications until December 31 each year for projects during the following year. BIA processes IRRHPP applications as shown in the following table:
By . . . BIA will . . .
(1) January 31 Notify all applicants and Regions in writing of acceptance of applications.
(2) March 31 Coordinate with FLH to rank all accepted applications in accordance with Appendix A to Subpart C, develop the FPL, and return unaccepted applications to the applicant with an explanation of the deficiencies.
(3) April 15 Notify all accepted applicants of the projects included on the FPL.
(4) May 15 Distribute funds to BIA Regions or in accordance with procedures of the Office of Self-Governance for selected IRRHPP.
(b) If total funding for accepted projects does not equal the total funds available for IRRHPP, the remaining funds will be redistributed by the Relative Need Distribution Factor in accordance with Appendix C to subpart C.
(c) All IRRHPP funds must be obligated on or before August 15. If it is anticipated that these funds cannot be obligated by the end of the fiscal year, IRRHPP funds assigned to an approved project must be returned to FHWA by August 1. BIA will redistribute these funds the following fiscal year to those approved projects. (See § 170.213.)