169.3—Consent of landowners to grants of right-of-way.

(a) No right-of-way shall be granted over and across any tribal land, nor shall any permission to survey be issued with respect to any such lands, without the prior written consent of the tribe.
(b) Except as provided in paragraph (c) of this section, no right-of-way shall be granted over and across any individually owned lands, nor shall any permission to survey be issued with respect to any such lands, without the prior written consent of the owner or owners of such lands and the approval of the Secretary.
(c) The Secretary may issue permission to survey with respect to, and he may grant rights-of-way over and across individually owned lands without the consent of the individual Indian owners when
(1) The individual owner of the land or of an interest therein is a minor or a person non compos mentis, and the Secretary finds that such grant will cause no substantial injury to the land or the owner, which cannot be adequately compensated for by monetary damages;
(2) The land is owned by more than one person, and the owners or owner of a majority of the interests therein consent to the grant;
(3) The whereabouts of the owner of the land or an interest therein are unknown, and the owners or owner of any interests therein whose whereabouts are known, or a majority thereof, consent to the grant;
(4) The heirs or devisees of a deceased owner of the land or an interest therein have not been determined, and the Secretary finds that the grant will cause no substantial injury to the land or any owner thereof;
(5) The owners of interests in the land are so numerous that the Secretary finds it would be impracticable to obtain their consent, and also finds that the grant will cause no substantial injury to the land or any owner thereof.

Code of Federal Regulations

[36 FR 14183, July 31, 1971. Redesignated at 47 FR 13327, Mar. 30, 1982]