150.7—Curative action to correct title defects.

Land Titles and Records Office shall initiate such action as described below to cure defects in the record discovered during the recording of title documents or examination of titles.
(a) If an error is traced to a defective title document other than probate records, the Land Titles and Records Office shall notify the originating office of the defect.
(b) If errors are discovered in probate records, the Land Titles and Records Office may initiate corrective action as follows:
(1) An administrative modification shall be issued to modify probate records to include any Indian land omitted from the inventory if such property is located in the same state and takes the same line of descent as that shown in the original probate decision. Authority is delegated to the Commissioner by 43 CFR 4.272 to make such modifications except on those Indian reservations covered by special Inheritance Acts ( 43 CFR 4.300 ). Copies of administrative modifications shall be distributed to the appropriate Administrative Law Judge, Agencies with jurisdiction over the Indian land, and to all persons who share in the estate.
(2) Land Titles and Records Offices shall notify the Superintendent when modifications are required by Administrative Law Judges for other types of probate errors. Corrective action is then initiated in accordance with 43 CFR part 4, subpart D.
(3) Land Titles and Records Offices shall issue administrative corrections to correct probate errors which are clerical in nature and which do not affect vested property rights or involve questions of due process. Copies of administrative corrections are distributed to the appropriate Administrative Law Judge and Agency.