983.59—PHA-owned units.

(a) Selection of PHA-owned units. The selection of PHA-owned units must be done in accordance with § 983.51(e).
(b) Inspection and determination of reasonable rent by independent entity. In the case of PHA-owned units, the following program services may not be performed by the PHA, but must be performed instead by an independent entity approved by HUD.
(1) Determination of rent to owner for the PHA-owned units. Rent to owner for PHA-owned units is determined pursuant to §§ 983.301 through 983.305 in accordance with the same requirements as for other units, except that the independent entity approved by HUD must establish the initial contract rents based on an appraisal by a licensed, state-certified appraiser; and
(2) Inspection of PHA-owned units as required by § 983.103(f).
(c) Nature of independent entity. The independent entity that performs these program services may be the unit of general local government for the PHA jurisdiction (unless the PHA is itself the unit of general local government or an agency of such government) or another HUD-approved public or private independent entity.
(d) Payment to independent entity and appraiser. (1) The PHA may only compensate the independent entity and appraiser from PHA ongoing administrative fee income (including amounts credited to the administrative fee reserve). The PHA may not use other program receipts to compensate the independent entity and appraiser for their services.
(2) The PHA, independent entity, and appraiser may not charge the family any fee for the appraisal or the services provided by the independent entity.