983.209—Owner certification.

By execution of the HAP contract, the owner certifies that at such execution and at all times during the term of the HAP contract:
(a) All contract units are in good and tenantable condition. The owner is maintaining the premises and all contract units in accordance with the HQS.
(b) The owner is providing all the services, maintenance, equipment, and utilities as agreed to under the HAP contract and the leases with assisted families.
(c) Each contract unit for which the owner is receiving housing assistance payments is leased to an eligible family referred by the PHA, and the lease is in accordance with the HAP contract and HUD requirements.
(d) To the best of the owner's knowledge, the members of the family reside in each contract unit for which the owner is receiving housing assistance payments, and the unit is the family's only residence.
(e) The owner (including a principal or other interested party) is not the spouse, parent, child, grandparent, grandchild, sister, or brother of any member of a family residing in a contract unit.
(f) The amount of the housing assistance payment is the correct amount due under the HAP contract.
(g) The rent to owner for each contract unit does not exceed rents charged by the owner for other comparable unassisted units.
(h) Except for the housing assistance payment and the tenant rent as provided under the HAP contract, the owner has not received and will not receive any payment or other consideration (from the family, the PHA, HUD, or any other public or private source) for rental of the contract unit.
(i) The family does not own or have any interest in the contract unit.