982.54—Administrative plan.
The PHA must adopt a written administrative plan that establishes local policies for administration of the program in accordance with HUD requirements. The administrative plan and any revisions of the plan must be formally adopted by the PHA Board of Commissioners or other authorized PHA officials. The administrative plan states PHA policy on matters for which the PHA has discretion to establish local policies.
The administrative plan must be in accordance with HUD regulations and requirements. The administrative plan is a supporting document to the PHA plan ( part 903 of this title) and must be available for public review. The PHA must revise the administrative plan if needed to comply with HUD requirements.
Selection and admission of applicants from the PHA waiting list, including any PHA admission preferences, procedures for removing applicant names from the waiting list, and procedures for closing and reopening the PHA waiting list;
Issuing or denying vouchers, including PHA policy governing the voucher term and any extensions or suspensions of the voucher term. “Suspension” means stopping the clock on the term of a family's voucher after the family submits a request for approval of the tenancy. If the PHA decides to allow extensions or suspensions of the voucher term, the PHA administrative plan must describe how the PHA determines whether to grant extensions or suspensions, and how the PHA determines the length of any extension or suspension;
Any special rules for use of available funds when HUD provides funding to the PHA for a special purpose (e.g., desegregation), including funding for specified families or a specified category of families;
Standards for denying admission or terminating assistance based on criminal activity or alcohol abuse in accordance with § 982.553 ;
Encouraging participation by owners of suitable units located outside areas of low income or minority concentration;
Assisting a family that claims that illegal discrimination has prevented the family from leasing a suitable unit;
The method of determining that rent to owner is a reasonable rent (initially and during the term of a HAP contract);
Special policies concerning special housing types in the program (e.g., use of shared housing);
Approval by the Board of Commissioners or other authorized officials to charge the administrative fee reserve;
(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 2577-0169)