982.53—Equal opportunity requirements and protection for victims of domestic violence.

(a) The tenant-based program requires compliance with all equal opportunity requirements imposed by contract or federal law, including the authorities cited at 24 CFR 5.105(a) and title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, 42 U.S.C. 12101 et seq.
(b) Civil rights certification. The PHA must submit a signed certification to HUD that:
(1) The PHA will administer the program in conformity with the Fair Housing Act, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
(2) The PHA will affirmatively further fair housing in the administration of the program.
(c) Obligation to affirmatively further fair housing. The PHA shall affirmatively further fair housing as required by § 903.7(o) of this title.
(d) State and local law. Nothing in part 982 is intended to pre-empt operation of State and local laws that prohibit discrimination against a Section 8 voucher-holder because of status as a Section 8 voucher-holder. However, such State and local laws shall not change or affect any requirement of this part, or any other HUD requirements for administration or operation of the program.
(e) Protection for victims of domestic violence, dating violence, or stalking. The PHA must apply 24 CFR part 5, subpart L, in all applicable cases where there is involved incidents of, or criminal activity related to, domestic violence, dating violence, or stalking.
(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 2577-0169)

Code of Federal Regulations

[60 FR 34695, July 3, 1995, as amended at 60 FR 45661, Sept. 1, 1995; 63 FR 23859, Apr. 30, 1998; 64 FR 26641, May 14, 1999; 64 FR 56911, Oct. 21, 1999; 73 FR 72344, Nov. 28, 2008; 75 FR 66263, Oct. 27, 2010]