969.105—Extension of ACC upon payment of operating subsidy.

(a) ACC amendment. As a condition for the first HUD approval for payment of Operating Subsidy with respect to the projects under a particular ACC for a PHA fiscal year beginning after the effective date of this part, the PHA and HUD shall enter into an amendment to the ACC for all projects under the ACC. This ACC amendment shall provide that the ACC provisions related to project operation shall continue in effect with respect to each project under the ACC for a period of 10 years after the end of the last PHA fiscal year for which Operating Subsidy is paid with respect to the project.
(b) Consolidated ACC. Where a single ACC covers more than one project (Consolidated ACC), each annual Operating Subsidy payable under that ACC is a lump-sum amount, which is not divided into discrete amounts for the individual projects which are subject to the Consolidated ACC (see 24 CFR part 990 ). Accordingly, if a PHA, before submitting a request for Operating Subsidy pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section, determines that any project(s) under the Consolidated ACC will not require Operating Subsidy and should not be subject to the provisions of paragraph (a), of this section the PHA shall accompany its request with a resolution certifying that no Operating Subsidy shall be utilized with respect to such project(s) after the effective date of this rule and that all financial records and accounts shall be kept separately for such project(s). In such case, the removal of the project(s) from the request for Operating Subsidy shall be reflected by the exclusion of that number of unit months available for the project(s) when making the calculations, under 24 CFR part 990, for determination of the total amount of Operating Subsidy payable under the Consolidated ACC. In any event, no Operating Subsidy payable under a Consolidated ACC or otherwise shall be used to pay, directly or indirectly, any costs attributable to a project which is ineligible or otherwise excluded from Operating Subsidy under § 969.104. Even if no Operating Subsidy is received with respect to a project, the PHA remains obligated to maintain and operate the project in accordance with the provisions of the ACC related to project operation so long as those ACC provisions remain in effect.