968.210—Procedures for obtaining approval of a modernization program.

(a) HUD notification. After modernization funds for a particular FFY become available, HUD will notify PHAs of the time frame for submission of the CIAP application and other pertinent information.
(b) Distribution of funding. HUD will distribute the available funding under this subpart to every eligible PHA that responds to the notice issued pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section based on two equally-weighted factors: a PHA's share of the total number of units eligible for CIAP; and a PHA's share of the total number of bedrooms in units eligible for CIAP (with studio units counted as one-bedroom units). HUD will also provide a vacancy preference, consisting of an additional increment of funding, to PHAs that have modernization capability and demonstrate that at least 25% of their units are vacant, substandard units (where vacancies are not due to insufficient demand). A PHA has modernization capability if it has previously received CIAP funding and meets the requirements of Modernization capability as defined at § 968.205.
(c) ACC amendment. HUD and the PHA shall enter into an ACC amendment in order for the PHA to draw down modernization funds. The ACC amendment shall require low-income use of the housing for not less than 20 years from the date of the ACC amendment (subject to sale of homeownership units in accordance with the terms of the ACC). The PHA Executive Director, where authorized by the Board of Commissioners and permitted by State law, may sign the ACC amendment on behalf of the PHA. HUD has the authority to condition an ACC amendment (e.g., to require a PHA to hire a modernization coordinator or contract administrator to administer its modernization program).
(d) Declaration of trust. As HUD may require, the PHA shall execute and file for record a Declaration of Trust, as provided under the ACC, to protect the rights and interests of HUD throughout the 20-year period during which the PHA is obligated to operate its developments in accordance with the ACC, the Act, and HUD regulations and requirements.

Code of Federal Regulations

[64 FR 33637, June 23, 1999]