954.506—Performance reports.

(a) Management reports. Each grantee must submit management reports on its HOME program in such format and at such time as HUD may prescribe. Each grantee must submit a “Financial Status Report,” SF-269A, short form, at the same time it submits the Semi-Annual Performance Report, described below. A separate “Financial Status Report” is to be submitted for each Indian HOME program grant that the grantee has received.
(b) Semi-Annual performance report— (1) Submission. A grantee must submit a semi-annual performance report on its HOME activities to the responsible Area ONAP at such time as HUD may prescribe. Single copies of the report must be provided to the public upon request at no charge.
(2) Elements of the semi-annual performance report. The report must contain such information and be in such form as HUD may prescribe, and must include at least the following:
(i) A report on the proposed use of HOME funds from the grant application, consisting of the number of additional housing opportunities to be created for low-income and very low-income families, by project category (housing rehabilitation, acquisition of housing, new housing construction, and tenant-based rental assistance);
(ii) A report on the actual use of HOME funds, consisting of the number of additional housing opportunities created for low-income and very low-income families, by project category (housing rehabilitation, acquisition of housing, new housing construction, and tenant-based rental assistance). This includes a report on project income and includes data on the amount of repayments, interest, and other return on investment of HOME funds and the use of the funds for projects, including number of projects assisted, and characteristics of tenants and owners;
(iii) An assessment of the effectiveness of the efforts in providing the preferences and opportunities under section 7(b) of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act (25 U.S.C. 450e(b) ); and
(iv) Data on the total number of households (families and individuals) and business and nonprofit organizations displaced as a result of investments of HOME funds, including the cost of relocation payments (moving expenses and replacement housing), and the number and cost of real property acquisitions.
(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under OMB control number 2577-0191)