941.612—Disbursement of grant funds.

(a) Front-end drawdowns. A PHA may request front-end assistance for both scattered or non-scattered site development in accordance with the following requirements:
(1) Front-end assistance may be used to pay for materials and services related to proposal development, and may also be used to pay for costs related to the demolition of existing units on a proposed site or for preliminary development work;
(2) HUD shall determine on a case-by-case basis the maximum amount that may be drawn down by a PHA to pay for preliminary development costs, based upon a consideration of the nature and scope of activities proposed to be carried out by the PHA;
(3) Before a request for front-end assistance may be approved, the PHA must provide HUD with such information and documentation as HUD deems appropriate from the list set forth at § 941.606. In determining the extent of the PHA's submissions under this paragraph (a), HUD shall ensure that it has adequate information or documentation to enable it to carry out any statutory, executive order, or other mandatory upfront reviews under this subpart. These reviews shall include, but shall not be limited to, environmental reviews (including NEPA and historic preservation), intergovernmental review, section 213 clearance ( 24 CFR part 791, subpart C), and subsidy layering. If, upon completing these reviews, HUD determines that the proposed development is approvable, it may execute with the PHA a front-end ACC amendment and the special mixed-finance amendment to the ACC (and/or grant agreement) to provide advances for the purposes, and in the amounts, approved by HUD.
(b) Standard drawdown requirements. HUD will review the evidentiary materials and other documents submitted pursuant to § 941.610, and, upon determining that such documents are satisfactory, may approve a drawdown of development funds, consistent with the following requirements:
(1) A PHA may only draw down public housing development funds in an approved ratio to other public and private funds, in accordance with a draw schedule prepared by the PHA and approved by HUD. The PHA and its partner shall certify, in a form prescribed by HUD, prior to the initial drawdown of public housing development funds that the PHA will not draw down and the partner will not request more public housing grant funds than necessary to meet the PHA's pro rata share of the development costs. The PHA shall draw down public housing development funds only when payment is due and after inspection and acceptance of work covered by the draw. The PHA shall release funds to its partner promptly, normally within two working days of receipt of the funds from HUD, and only in accordance with the ratio approved by HUD. The PHA's partner shall take prompt action to distribute the funds, normally within two working days of receipt of the funds from the PHA;
(2) Each drawdown of public housing development funds constitutes a certification by the PHA that:
(i) All the representations and warranties of the PHA, as submitted in accordance with this subpart, continue to be valid, true, and in full force and effect;
(ii) The PHA is in full compliance with all of the PHA's obligations pursuant to this part which, by their terms, are applicable at the time of the drawdown of the public housing development funds, and that to the best of the PHA's knowledge, it is not in default under the ACC, as amended;
(iii) All conditions precedent to the PHA's authority to draw down the public housing grant funds have been satisfied;
(iv) The public housing grant funds to be drawn down will be used for eligible costs actually incurred or to be incurred in accordance with the provisions of this subpart and the approved proposal; and
(v) The ratio for the draw down of funds is satisfied.
(c) The standard drawdown requirements set forth in paragraph (b) of this section (including the requirement that public housing development funds must be drawn down in an approved ratio to other public and private funds) do not apply to front-end assistance approved by HUD pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section.