
(a) (1) This subpart authorizes a PHA to use a combination of private financing and public housing development funds to develop public housing units, and is designed to enable PHAs and their partners to structure transactions that make use of private and/or public sources of financing. Many potential scenarios for ownership and transaction structures exist, ranging from the PHA or its partner(s) holding no ownership interest, a partial ownership interest, or 100 percent of the ownership interest of the public housing units that are to be developed. PHAs and/or their partner(s) may choose to enter into a partnership or other contractual arrangement with a third-party entity for the mixed-finance development and/or ownership of public housing units. If this entity has primary responsibility along with the PHA for the development of these units, it is referred to for purposes of this subpart as the PHA's “partner.” The entity that ultimately owns the public housing units, whether or not the PHA retains an ownership interest, is referred to as the “owner entity.” The resulting “mixed-finance” developments may consist of 100 percent public housing units, or may consist of public housing and non-public housing units.
(2) This subpart sets forth the requirements that must be met by the PHA and its partner(s) before HUD can approve a proposal for mixed-finance development, and also sets forth continuing requirements that apply throughout the development and operation of the development by the owner entity.
(b) Under this subpart, public housing units that are built in a mixed-finance development must be comparable in size, location, external appearance, and distribution to the non-public housing units within the development.