941.302—Annual contributions contract; drawdowns and advances.

(a) A PHA wishing to develop public housing shall execute an ACC or ACC amendment covering the entire amount of reserved development funds or the amount of modernization funds (under section 14 of the Act, 42 U.S.C. 1437l) it proposes to use in accordance with this part. This ACC or ACC amendment must be executed by both the PHA and HUD before funds can be provided to the PHA.
(b) Until HUD has approved a PHA's full proposal, a PHA may only draw down funds under the ACC for pre-development costs for materials and services related to proposal preparation and submission. Expenditures for pre-development costs shall not exceed three percent of the total development cost stated in the executed ACC.
(c) HUD may approve the following in writing:
(1) Amounts in excess of three percent of TDC for pre-development costs; and/or
(2) Drawdown of funds to enable a PHA to acquire a site after approval by HUD of the PHA's site acquisition proposal, in accordance with § 941.303.
(d) After HUD approval of the full proposal, the PHA may draw down additional funds under the ACC to develop the public housing units in accordance with the approved full proposal.