92.614—Other Federal requirements.

(a) The following Federal requirements contained in subpart H of this part apply to the ADDI:
(1) Other Federal requirements and nondiscrimination. The Federal and nondiscrimination requirements contained in § 92.350 apply to the ADDI.
(2) Environmental review. The environmental review requirements contained in § 92.352 apply to the ADDI.
(3) Labor. The labor requirements contained in § 92.354 apply to ADDI.
(4) Lead-based paint. The lead-based paint prevention and abatement requirements contained in § 92.355 apply to the ADDI.
(5) Conflict of interest. The conflict of interest requirements contained in § 92.356 apply to the ADDI.
(6) Consultant activities. The requirements regarding consultant activities contained in § 92.358 apply to the ADDI.
(b) The following Federal requirements contained in subpart H of this part do not apply to the ADDI:
(1) Affirmative marketing. The affirmative marketing requirements contained in § 92.351(a).
(2) Displacement, relocation, and acquisition. The displacement, relocation, and acquisition requirements implementing the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act (42 U.S.C. 4201-465 5) and the implementing regulations at 49 CFR part 24, contained in § 92.353 do not apply to ADDI, except the requirements do apply to FY2003 ADDI funds.
(3) Executive Order 12372. The requirements of Executive Order 12372 (entitled “Intergovernmental Review) described in § 92.357.