
As used in this part:
Act means the U.S. Housing Act of 1937 (42 U.S.C. 1437 et seq. )
Adjustment for physical condition (development age) and neighborhood environment is a total of three additional points added to PHAS Indicator #1 (Physical Condition). The three additional points, however, shall not result in a total point value exceeding the total points available for PHAS Indicator #1 (established in subpart B of this part).
Alternative management entity (AME) is a receiver, private contractor, private manager, or any other entity that is under contract with a PHA, under a Regulatory and Operating Agreement with a PHA, or that is otherwise duly appointed or contracted (for example, by court order or agency action), to manage all or part of a PHA's operations.
Assessed fiscal year is the PHA fiscal year that has been assessed under the PHAS.
Average number of days nonemergency work orders were active is calculated:
(1) By dividing the total of—
(i) The number of days in the assessed fiscal year it takes to close active nonemergency work orders carried over from the previous fiscal year;
(ii) The number of days it takes to complete nonemergency work orders issued and closed during the assessed fiscal year; and
(iii) The number of days all active nonemergency work orders are open in the assessed fiscal year, but not completed;
(2) By the total number of nonemergency work orders used in the calculation of paragraphs (1)(i), (ii) and (iii) of this definition.
Days in this part, unless otherwise specified, refer to calendar days.
Deficiency means any PHAS score below 60 percent of the available points in any indicator, sub-indicator or component. (In the context of physical condition and physical inspection, deficiency refers to a physical condition and is defined for purposes of subpart B of this part in § 902.24 )
Improvement plan is a document developed by a PHA, specifying the actions to be taken, including timetables, that shall be required to correct deficiencies identified under any of the sub-indicators and components within the indicator(s), identified as a result of the PHAS assessment when a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) is not required.
Occupancy loss is the sum of the number one (1) minus the unit months leased divided by unit months available (or Occupancy loss = 1−(unit months leased/unit months available).
Property is a project/development with a separate identifying project number.
Reduced actual vacancy rate within the previous three years is a comparison of the vacancy rate in the PHAS assessed fiscal year (the immediate past fiscal year) to the vacancy rate of that fiscal year two years prior to the assessed fiscal year. It is calculated by subtracting the vacancy rate in the assessed fiscal year from the vacancy rate in the earlier year. If a PHA elects to certify to the reduction of the vacancy rate within the previous three years, the PHA shall retain justifying documentation to support its certification for HUD post review. Reduced actual vacancy rate within the previous three years only applies to PHAs with fiscal years ending September 30, 1999, and December 31, 1999.
Reduced average time nonemergency work orders were active during the previous three years is a comparison of the average time nonemergency work orders were active in the PHAS assessment year (the immediate past fiscal year) to the average time nonemergency work orders were active in that fiscal year two years prior to the assessment year. It is calculated by subtracting the average time nonemergency work orders were active in the PHAS assessment year from the average time nonemergency work orders were active in the earlier year. If a PHA elects to certify to the reduction of the average time nonemergency work orders were active during the previous three years, the PHA shall retain justifying documentation to support its certification for HUD post review.
Tenant Receivable Outstanding is defined in § 902.35(b)(3).
Unit months available is the total number of units managed by a PHA multiplied by 12 (adjusted by new units entering a PHA's public housing stock during the fiscal year) exclusive of unit months vacant due to: demolition; conversion; ongoing modernization; and units approved for non-dwelling purposes.
Unit months leased is the actual number of months each unit was rented during the fiscal year based on the PHA's tenant rent rolls or Housing Assistance Payments records.
Work order deferred to the Capital Fund Program is any work order that is combined with similar work items and completed within the current PHAS assessment year, or will be completed in the following year when there are less than three months remaining before the end of the PHA fiscal year from the time the work order was generated, under the PHA's Capital Fund Program or other PHA capital improvements program.