902.20—Physical condition assessment.

(a) Objective. The objective of the physical condition indicator is to determine whether a PHA is meeting the standard of decent, safe, sanitary housing in good repair (DSS/GR), as this standard is defined in 24 CFR 5.703.
(b) Method of assessment. The physical condition assessment is based on an independent physical inspection of a PHA's projects provided by HUD and performed by contract inspectors, and conducted using HUD's Uniform Physical Condition Standards (UPCS) under 24 CFR part 5, subpart G.
(c) Method of transmission. After the inspection is completed, the inspector transmits the results to HUD, where the results are verified for accuracy and then scored in accordance with the procedures in this subpart B.
(d) PHA physical inspection requirements. The physical inspections conducted under this part do not relieve the PHA of the responsibility to inspect public housing units, as provided in section 6(f)(3) of the Act (42 U.S.C. 1437d(f)(3) ).
(e) Compliance with state and local codes. The physical condition standards in this part do not supersede or preempt state and local building and maintenance codes with which the PHA's public housing must comply. PHAs must continue to adhere to these codes.
(f) HUD access to PHA projects. All PHAs are required by the ACC to provide HUD or its representative with full and free access to all facilities in its projects. All PHAs are required to provide HUD or its representative with access to its projects and to all units and appurtenances in order to permit physical inspections, monitoring reviews, and quality assurance reviews under this part. Access to the units shall be provided whether or not the resident is home or has installed additional locks for which the PHA did not obtain keys. In the event that the PHA fails to provide access as required by HUD or its representative, the PHA shall be given a physical condition score of zero for the project or projects involved. This score of zero shall be used to calculate the physical condition indicator score and the overall PHAS score.