901.45—Indicator #8, security.

This indicator evaluates the PHAs performance in tracking crime related problems in their developments, reporting incidence of crime to local law enforcement agencies, the adoption and implementation of tough applicant screening and resident eviction policies and procedures, and, as applicable, PHA performance under any HUD drug prevention or crime reduction grant(s). PHAs can get credit for performance under non-HUD funded programs if they choose to be assessed for these programs. PHAs with fewer than 250 units will not be assessed under this indicator unless they request to be assessed at the time of PHMAP certification submission. This indicator has a weight of x1.
(a) Component #1, Tracking and Reporting Crime Related Problems. This component has a weight of x1.
(1) Grade A: The PHA Board, by resolution, has adopted policies and the PHA has implemented procedures and can document that it (1) tracks crime and crime-related problems in at least 90% of its developments, and (2) has a cooperative system for tracking and reporting incidents of crime to local police authorities to improve law enforcement and crime prevention.
(2) Grade C: The PHA Board, by resolution, has adopted policies and the PHA has implemented procedures and can document that it (1) tracks crime and crime-related problems in at least 60% of its developments, and (2) reports incidents of crime to local police authorities to improve law enforcement and crime prevention.
(3) Grade F: The PHA Board, by resolution, has not adopted policies and the PHA has not implemented procedures or cannot document that it (1) tracks crime and crime-related problems in at least 60% of its developments, or (2) reports incidents of crime to local police authorities to improve law enforcement and crime prevention.
(b) Component #2, Screening of Applicants. This component has a weight of x1.
(1) Grade A: The PHA Board, by resolution, has adopted policies and the PHA has implemented procedures and can document that it successfully screens out and denies admission to a public housing applicant who:
(i) Has a recent history of criminal activity involving crimes to persons or property and/or other criminal acts that would adversely affect the health, safety or welfare of other residents or PHA personnel;
(ii) Was evicted, because of drug-related criminal activity, from housing assisted under the U.S. Housing Act of 1937, for a minimum of a three year period beginning on the date of such eviction, unless the applicant has successfully completed, since the eviction, a rehabilitation program approved by the public housing agency;
(iii) The PHA has reasonable cause to believe is illegally using a controlled substance; or
(iv) The PHA has reasonable cause to believe abuses alcohol in a way that causes behavior that may interfere with the health, safety, or right to peaceful enjoyment of the premises by other residents or PHA personnel.
(2) Grade C: The PHA Board, by resolution, has adopted policies and the PHA has implemented procedures, but cannot document results in successfully screening out and denying admission to a public housing applicant who meets the criteria as described in grade A, above.
(3) Grade F: The PHA has not adopted policies or has not implemented procedures that result in screening out and denying admission to a public housing applicant who meets the criteria as described in grade A, above, or the screening procedures do not result in the denial of admission to a public housing applicant who meets the criteria as described in grade A, above.
(c) Component #3, Lease Enforcement. This component has a weight of x1.
(1) Grade A: The PHA Board, by resolution, has adopted policies and the PHA has implemented procedures and can document that it appropriately evicts any public housing resident who:
(i) The PHA has reasonable cause to believe engages in any criminal activity that threatens the health, safety, or right to peaceful enjoyment of the premises by other residents or PHA personnel;
(ii) The PHA has reasonable cause to believe engages in any drug-related criminal activity (as defined at section 6(l) of the 1937 Act (42 U.S.C. 1437d(l)) on or off the PHA's property; or
(iii) The PHA has reasonable cause to believe abuses alcohol in such a way that causes behavior that may interfere with the health, safety, or right to peaceful enjoyment of the premises by other residents or PHA personnel.
(2) Grade C: The PHA Board, by resolution, has adopted policies and the PHA has implemented procedures, but cannot document results in appropriately evicting any public housing resident who meets the criteria as described in grade A, above.
(3) Grade F: The PHA has not adopted policies or has not implemented procedures that document results in the eviction of any public housing resident who meets the criteria as described in grade A, above, or the eviction procedures do not result in the eviction of public housing residents who meet the criteria as described in grade A, above.
(d) Component #4, Grant Program Goals. This component examines a PHA's management of HUD-funded drug prevention or crime reduction programs. However, PHAs can also get credit for performance under non-HUD funded programs if they choose to be assessed for them. PHAs must select either to be assessed for all or none of the non-HUD funded programs. This component has a weight of x1.
(1) Grade A: If the PHA has any special drug prevention program or crime reduction program funded by any HUD funds, the PHA can document that the goals are related to drug and crime rates, and it is meeting at least 90% of its goals under the implementation plan for any and all of these programs.
(2) Grade C: If the PHA has any special drug prevention program or crime reduction program funded by any HUD funds, the PHA can document that the goals are related to drug and crime rates, and it is meeting at least 60% of its goals under the implementation plan for any and all of these programs.
(3) Grade F: If the PHA has any special drug prevention program or crime reduction program funded by any HUD funds, the PHA does not have a system for documenting or cannot document that the goals are related to drug and crime rates, or cannot document that it is meeting 60% or more of its goals under the implementation plan for any and all of these programs.