901.35—Indicator #6, financial management.

This indicator examines the amount of cash reserves available for operations and, for PHAs scoring below a grade C on cash reserves, energy/ utility consumption expenses. This indicator has a weight of x1.
(a) Component #1, cash reserves. This component has a weight of x2.
(a) Grade A: Cash reserves available for operations are greater than or equal to 15% of total actual routine expenditures, or the PHA has cash reserves of $3 million or more.
(2) Grade B: Cash reserves available for operations are greater than or equal to 12.5%, but less than 15% of total actual routine expenditures.
(3) Grade C: Cash reserves available for operations are greater than or equal to 10%, but less than 12.5% of total actual routine expenditures.
(4) Grade D: Cash reserves available for operations are greater than or equal to 7.5%, but less than 10% of total actual routine expenditures.
(5) Grade E: Cash reserves are greater than or equal to 5%, but less than 7.5% of total actual routine expenditures.
(6) Grade F: Cash reserves available for operations are less than 5% of total actual routine expenditures.
(b) Component #2, energy consumption. Either option A or option B of this component is to be completed only by PHAs that score below a grade C on component #1. Regardless of a PHA's score on component #1, it will not be scored on component #2 if all its units have tenant paid utilities. Annual energy/utility consumption expenses includes water and sewage usage. This component has a weight of x1.
(1) Option A, annual energy/utility consumption expenses. (i) Grade A: Annual energy/utility consumption expenses, as compared to the average of the three years' rolling base consumption expenses, have not increased.
(ii) Grade B: Annual energy/utility consumption expenses, as compared to the average of the three years' rolling base consumption expenses, have not increased by more than 3%.
(iii) Grade C: Annual energy/utility consumption expenses, as compared to the average of the three years' rolling base consumption expenses, have increased by more than 3% and less than or equal to 5%.
(iv) Grade D: Annual energy/utility consumption expenses, as compared to the average of the three years' rolling base consumption expenses, have increased by more than 5% and less than or equal to 7%.
(v) Grade E: Annual energy/utility consumption expenses, as compared to the average of the three years' rolling base consumption expenses, have increased by more than 7% and less than or equal to 9%.
(vi) Grade F: Annual energy/utility consumption expenses, as compared to the average of the three years' rolling base consumption expenses, have increased by more than 9%.
(2) Option B, energy audit. (i) Grade A: The PHA has completed or updated its energy audit within the past five years and has implemented all of the recommendations that were cost effective.
(ii) Grade C: The PHA has completed or updated its energy audit within the past five years, has developed an implementation plan and is on schedule with the implementation plan, based on available funds. The implementation plan identifies at a minimum, the items from the audit, the estimated cost, the planned funding source, and the anticipated date of completion for each item.
(iii) Grade F: The PHA has not completed or updated its energy audit within the past five years, or has not developed an implementation plan or is not on schedule with its implementation plan, or has not implemented all of the recommendations that were cost effective, based on available funds.