901.140—Removal from troubled status and mod-troubled status.

(a) A PHA has the right to petition the State/Area Office for the removal of a designation as troubled or mod-troubled.
(b) A PHA may appeal any refusal to remove troubled and mod-troubled designation to the Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing in accordance with § 901.125.
(c) A PHA with fewer that 1250 units under management will be removed from troubled status by the State/Area Office upon a determination by the State/Area Office that the PHA's assessment reflects an improvement to a level sufficient to remove the PHA from troubled status, or mod-troubled, i.e., a total weighted management assessment score of 60% or more, and upon the conduct of a confirmatory review for PHAs with 100 or more units under management.
(d) A PHA with 1250 units or more under management will be removed from troubled status by the Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing upon a recommendation by the State/Area Office when a PHA's assessment reflects an improvement to a level sufficient to remove the PHA from troubled or mod-troubled status, i.e., a total weighted management assessment score of 60% or more, and upon the conduct of an independent confirmatory review (team members from other State/Area Offices).