901.1—Purpose, program scope and applicability.

(a) Purpose. This part establishes the Public Housing Management Assessment Program (PHMAP) to implement and augment section 6(j) of the 1937 Act. PHMAP provides policies and procedures to identify public housing agency (PHA), resident management corporation (RMC), and alternative management entity (AME) management capabilities and deficiencies, recognize high-performing PHAs, designate criteria for defining troubled PHAs and PHAs that are troubled with respect to the program under section 14 (Public Housing Modernization Program), and improve the management practices of troubled PHAs and mod-troubled PHAs.
(b) Program scope. The PHMAP reflects only one aspect of PHA operations, i.e., the results of its management performance in specific program areas. The PHMAP should not be viewed by PHAs, the Department or other interested parties as an all-inclusive and encompassing view of overall PHA operations. When viewing overall PHA operations, other criteria, including but not limited to, the quality of a PHA's housing stock, compliance issues, Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity issues, Board knowledge and oversight of PHA operation, etc., even though not covered under the PHMAP, are necessary in order to determine the adequacy of overall PHA operations. The PHMAP can never be designed to be the sole method of viewing a PHA's overall operations. A PHA should not manipulate the PHMAP system in the short-term in order to achieve a higher PHMAP score, thereby delaying or negating long-term improvement. Making a correct and viable long-term decision (doing the right thing) may hurt a PHA in the short-term (i.e., lower PHMAP score), but will result in improved housing stock and better overall management of a PHA over the long-term and a higher sustainable PHMAP score.
(c) Applicability. (1) The provisions of this part remain applicable to PHAs and RMC/AMEs as described in paragraph (c)(1)(ii) until September 30, 1999.
(ii) The provisions of this part apply to PHAs and RMC/AMEs as noted in the sections of this part. The management assessment of an RMC/AME differs from that of a PHA. Because an RMC/AME enters into a contract with a PHA to perform specific management functions on a development-by-development or program basis, and because the scope of the management that is undertaken varies, not every indicator that applies to a PHA would be applicable to each RMC/AME.
(2) Due to the fact that the PHA and not the RMC/AME is ultimately responsible to the Department under the ACC, a PHA's score will be based on all of the developments covered by the ACC, including those with management functions assumed by an RMC or AME (pursuant to a court ordered receivership agreement, if applicable). This is necessary because of the limited nature of an RMC/AME's management functions and the regulatory and contractual relationships among the Department, PHAs and RMC/AMEs.
(3) A significant feature of RMC management is that 24 CFR §§ 964.225 (d) and (h) provide that a PHA may enter into a management contract with an RMC, but a PHA may not contract for assumption by the RMC of the PHA's underlying responsibilities to the Department under the Annual Contributions Contract (ACC).
(4) When a PHA's management functions have been assumed by an AME:
(i) If the AME assumes only a portion of the PHA's management functions, the provisions of this part that apply to RMCs apply to the AME (pursuant to a court ordered receivership agreement, if applicable); or
(ii) If the AME assumes all, or substantially all, of the PHA's management functions, the provisions of this part that apply to PHAs apply to the AME (pursuant to a court ordered receivership agreement, if applicable).
(5) To ensure quality management results from a contract between an AME and a PHA, or between an AME and HUD, minimum performance criteria that relate to the PHMAP indicators, as applicable, should be included in such contract. Failure to meet the performance criteria would be a basis for termination of the contract. However, even in the absence of explicit contractual provisions, this part applies to AMEs in accordance with paragraph (b)(4) of this section, above.
[61 FR 68933, Dec. 30, 1996, as amended at 63 FR 46617, Sept. 1, 1998]