
In addition to the definitions at § 891.105, the following definitions apply to this subpart:
Mixed-finance owner, for the purpose of the mixed-finance development of housing under this subpart, means a single-purpose, for-profit limited partnership of which a Private Nonprofit Organization with a 501(c)(3) or 501(c)(4) tax exemption (in the case of supportive housing for the elderly), or a Nonprofit Organization with a 501(c)(3) tax exemption (in the case of supportive housing for the disabled) is the sole general partner. The purpose of the mixed-finance owner must include the promotion of the welfare of the elderly or persons with disabilities, as appropriate.
Private Nonprofit Organization (in the case of supportive housing for the elderly) or Nonprofit Organization (in the case of supportive housing for persons with disabilities) (for the purposes of this subpart, both types of organizations are referred to as “Nonprofit Organization”), for the purpose of this subpart, means any institution or foundation (and includes a corporation wholly owned and controlled by an organization meeting the requirements of this section):
(1) In the case of supportive housing for the elderly, that meets the requirements of the definition of “private nonprofit organization” found in § 891.205 of this title; or
(2) In the case of supportive housing for persons with disabilities, that meets the requirements of the definition of “nonprofit organization” in § 891.305 of this title; and that
(3) Is the general partner of a for-profit limited partnership, if the Nonprofit Organization meets the requirements of this definition and owns at least one-hundredth of one percent of the partnership assets. If the project will include units financed with the use of federal Low-Income Housing Tax Credits and the organization is a limited partnership, the limited partnership must meet the requirements of section 42 of the IRS code, including the requirements of section 42(h)(5). The general partner may also be the sponsor so long as it meets the requirements of this rule for sponsors and general partners.