84.52—Financial reporting.

(a) The Federal financial report (FFR), or such other form as may be approved by OMB, is authorized for obtaining financial information from recipients. The applicability of the FFR form shall be determined by the appropriate HUD program, and the grantee will be notified of any program requirements in reference to the FFR upon receipt of the award. A HUD program may, where appropriate, waive the use of the FFR for its grantees and require an alternative reporting system.
(b) HUD shall prescribe whether the FFR shall be on a cash or accrual basis. If HUD requires accrual information and the recipient's accounting records are not normally kept on the accrual basis, the recipient shall not be required to convert its accounting system, but shall develop such accrual information through best estimates based on an analysis of the documentation on hand.
(c) HUD shall determine the frequency of the FFR for each project or program, considering the size and complexity of the particular project or program. However, the report shall not be required more frequently than quarterly or less frequently than annually. The reporting period end dates shall be March 31, June 30, September 30 or December 31. A final FFR shall be required at the completion of the award agreement and shall use the end date of the project or grant period as the reporting end date.
(d) HUD requires recipients to submit the FFR no later than 30 days after the end of each specified reporting period for quarterly and semi-annual reports, and 90 calendar days for annual reports. Final reports shall be submitted no later than 90 days after the project or grant period end date. Extensions of reporting due dates may be approved by HUD upon request of the recipient. HUD may require awardees to submit the FFR electronically. Electronic submission may be waived for cause in accordance with HUD's waiver policy in § 5.110 of this title.
(e) (1) When funds are advanced to recipients HUD shall use the FFR to monitor cash advanced to recipients and to obtain disbursement information for each agreement with the recipients. HUD may require forecasts of Federal cash requirements in the “Remarks” section of the FFR and may require recipients to report in the “Remarks” section the amount of cash advances received and retained in excess of three days and any interest earned on such cash advances. Recipients shall provide short narrative explanations of actions taken to reduce early drawdowns and excess balances.
(2) Recipients shall be required to submit not more than the original and two copies of the FFR or submit the report electronically. HUD may require a quarterly report from recipients receiving advances totaling $1 million or more per year.
(f) When HUD needs additional information or more frequent reports, the following shall be observed.
(1) When additional information is needed to comply with legislative requirements or governmentwide requirements, HUD shall issue instructions to require recipients to submit such information under the “Remarks” section of the reports or other means.
(2) When HUD determines that a recipient's accounting system does not meet the standards in § 84.21, additional pertinent information to further monitor awards may be obtained by written notice to the recipient until such time as the system is brought up to standard. HUD, in obtaining this information, shall comply with report clearance requirements of 5 CFR part 1320.
(3) HUD may elect to accept the identical information from the recipients through a system to system data interface as determined by HUD.

Code of Federal Regulations

[75 FR 41089, July 15, 2010]