SUBPART A—Equal Employment Opportunity Without Regard to Race, Color Religion, Sex, National Origin, Age, Disability or Reprisal (§7.1 to §7.45)
- 7.1—Policy.
- 7.2—Definitions.
- 7.3—Designations.
- 7.4—Equal employment opportunity programs.
- 7.5—EEO Alternative Dispute Resolution Program.
- 7.10—Responsibilities of the Director of EEO.
- 7.11—Responsibilities of the EEO Officers.
- 7.12—Responsibilities of the EEO Counselors.
- 7.13—Responsibilities of the Assistant Secretary for Administration.
- 7.14—Responsibilities of the Office of Human Resources.
- 7.15—Responsibilities of managers and supervisors.
- 7.16—Responsibilities of employees.
- 7.25—Pre-complaint processing.
- 7.26—EEO Alternative Dispute Resolution Program.
- 7.30—Presentation of complaint.
- 7.31—Who may file a complaint, with whom filed, and time limits.
- 7.32—Representation and official time.
- 7.33—Contents of the complaint.
- 7.34—Acceptability.
- 7.35—Processing.
- 7.36—Hearing.
- 7.37—Final action.
- 7.38—Appeals.
- 7.39—Negotiated grievance, MSPB appeal and administrative grievance procedures.
- 7.40—Remedies and enforcement.
- 7.41—Compliance with EEOC final decisions.
- 7.42—Enforcement of EEOC final decisions.
- 7.43—Settlement agreements.
- 7.44—Interim relief.
- 7.45—EEO group statistics and reports.