572.105—Financing the purchase of properties by eligible families.

(a) Types of financing. (1) Financing may include use of the implementation grant to permit transfer of an ownership interest in a unit to an eligible family for less than fair market value or with assisted financing; or other sources of financing (subject to requirements that apply to those sources), including, but not limited to, conventional mortgage loans, mortgage loans insured under title II of the National Housing Act, and mortgage loans under other available programs, such as Veterans Administration (VA), Farmers Home Administration (FmHA), and Resolution Trust Corporation (RTC) seller-assisted financing.
(2) FHA single family mortgage insurance requirements. All regulatory requirements and underwriting procedures established for FHA single family mortgage insurance apply to mortgages insured by FHA on properties assisted under the HOPE 3 program. Exceptions in the regulations specifically for homebuyers under the HOPE 3 program are:
(i) The eligible family/mortgagor may obtain a loan for the down payment from a corporation or another person under conditions satisfactory to HUD ( 24 CFR 203.19(b) and 234.28(c) );
(ii) A second mortgage may be placed against the property even though the entity holding a second mortgage is not a Federal, State, or local government agency, if the entity is designated in the homeownership plan of an applicant for an implementation grant ( 24 CFR 203.32(b) and 234.55(b) ); and
(iii) Certain restrictions on conveyance may be permissible. Property with restrictions that do not comply with FHA regulations will be ineligible for FHA mortgage insurance, notwithstanding HUD approval under § 572.130(e).
(b) Financial assistance to homebuyers. Recipients may provide assistance to, or on behalf of, eligible families to make acquisition and rehabilitation of eligible properties affordable. This may include interest rate reductions (“interest rate buy-downs”), payment of all or a portion of closing costs, down payments, mortgage insurance premiums, and other expenses, and other forms of assistance approved by HUD. No mechanisms to financially assist homebuyers that would require grant recipients to make lump sum deposits of HOPE 3 grant funds will be permitted.