SUBPART K—Other Program Requirements (§570.600 to §570.614)
- 570.600—General.
- 570.601—Public Law 88-352 and Public Law 90-284; affirmatively furthering fair housing; Executive Order 11063.
- 570.602—Section 109 of the Act.
- 570.603—Labor standards.
- 570.604—Environmental standards.
- 570.605—National Flood Insurance Program.
- 570.606—Displacement, relocation, acquisition, and replacement of housing.
- 570.607—Employment and contracting opportunities.
- 570.608—Lead-based paint.
- 570.609—Use of debarred, suspended or ineligible contractors or subrecipients.
- 570.610—Uniform administrative requirements and cost principles.
- 570.611—Conflict of interest.
- 570.612—Executive Order 12372.
- 570.613—Eligibility restrictions for certain resident aliens.
- 570.614—Architectural Barriers Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act.