50.2—Terms and abbreviations.

(a) The definitions for most of the key terms or phrases contained in this part appear in 40 CFR part 1508 and in the authorities cited in § 50.4.
The following definitions also apply to this part:
Environmental review means a process for complying with NEPA (through an EA or EIS) and/or with the laws and authorities cited in § 50.4.
HUD approving official means the HUD official authorized to make the approval decision for any proposed policy or project subject to this part.
Project means an activity, or a group of integrally-related activities, undertaken directly by HUD or proposed for HUD assistance or insurance.
(b) The following abbreviations are used throughout this part:
AS/CPD —Assistant Secretary for Community Planning and Development.
CEQ —Council on Environmental Quality
EA —Environmental Assessment
EIS —Environmental Impact Statement
FONSI —Finding of No Significant Impact
HUD —Department of Housing and Urban Development
NEPA —National Environmental Policy Act
NOI/EIS —Notice of Intent to Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement