3282.402—General principles.

(a) Nothing in this subpart or in these regulations shall limit the rights of the purchaser under any contract or applicable law.
(b) The liability of manufactured home manufacturers to provide remedial actions under this subpart is limited by the principle that manufacturers are not responsible for failures that occur in manufactured homes or components solely as the result of normal year and aging, gross and unforeseeable consumer abuse, or unforeseeable neglect of maintenance.
(c) The extent of a manufacturer's responsibility for providing notification or correction depends upon the seriousness of problems for which the manufacturer is responsible under this subpart.
(d) When manufacturers act under § 3282.404 of these regulations, they will not be required to classify the problem that triggered their action as a noncompliance, defect, serious defect, or imminent safety hazard.
(e) It is the policy of these regulations that all consumer complaints or other information indicating the possible existence of an imminent safety hazard, serious defect, defect, or noncompliance should be referred to the manufacturer of the potentially affected manufactured homes as early as possible so that the manufacturer can begin to timely respond to the consumer and take any necessary remedial actions.