
(a) Title 24, part 235, subpart C, as modified and supplemented by this subpart, shall constitute the contract between the mortgagee and the Secretary for assistance payments in connection with a mortgage insured under section 235(r) of the National Housing Act.
(b) The sections of subpart C of this part which apply in connection with a mortgage insured under section 235(r) are the following:
235.340Time of payments.
235.350Mortgagor's required recertification.
235.355Mortgagor's optional recertification.
235.360Adjustment in assistance payments.
235.361Recovery of assistance payments.
235.365Mortgagee records.
235.370Effect of assignment of mortgage with an assistance payment contract.
235.375Termination, suspension or reinstatement of the assistance payments contract.
235.499Effect of amendments.

Code of Federal Regulations

[57 FR 62453, Dec. 30, 1992. Redesignated at 60 FR 56499, Nov. 8, 1995]