1710.505—Withdrawal of State certification.

(a) The Secretary shall periodically review the laws, regulations and administration thereof, of a certified state. If the Secretary finds that, taken as a whole, the laws, regulations or administration thereof, no longer meet the requirements of subpart C, then the Secretary may issue a notice to withdraw the certification of that state.
(b) The notice of proceedings to withdraw a state's certification will be issued to the state by the Secretary pursuant to § 1720.236. The Secretary may, after notice and after an opportunity for a hearing, pursuant to § 1720.237, issue an order withdrawing certification.
In the event that a withdrawal order is issued, the order shall remain in effect until the state has amended its laws, regulations or the administration thereof or has otherwise complied with the requirements of the order. When the state has complied with the requirements of the order, the Secretary shall so declare and the withdrawal order shall cease to be effective.
(c) Withdrawal orders issued pursuant to this subsection will be effective as of the date the order is received by the state. The withdrawal order shall be published in the Federal Register.
(d) The rules of chapter IX of 24 CFR part 1720, subpart D will generally apply to hearings on withdrawal of a state's certification.