1710.20—Requirements for registering a subdivision—Statement of Record—filing and form.

(a) Filing. In order to register a subdivision and receive an effective date, the developer or owner of the subdivision must file a Statement of Record with the Secretary. The official address to be used is:
Office of Interstate Land Sales Registration, Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410.

Code of Federal Regulations

When the Statement of Record is filed, a fee in the amount set out in § 1710.35(b) must be paid in accordance with § 1710.35(a) .
(b) Form. The Statement of Record shall be in the format specified in § 1710.100 and shall be completed in accordance with the instructions in §§ 1710.102, 1710.105 through 1710.118, 1710.200, 1710.208 through 1710.216 and 1710.219. It shall be supported by the documents required by §§ 1710.208 through 1710.216 and 1710.219. It shall include any other information or documents which the Secretary may require as being necessary or appropriate for the protection of purchasers.
(c) State filings. A Statement of Record submitted under the provisions of 24 CFR part 1710, subpart C—Certification of Substantially Equivalent State Law, shall consist of the materials designated by the Certification Agreement between the Secretary and the certified State in which the subdivision is located.

Code of Federal Regulations

(Pub. L. 90-448, 82 Stat. 476, 590; 15 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.)
[44 FR 21453, Apr. 10, 1979, as amended at 50 FR 10942, Mar. 19, 1985; 63 FR 54332, Oct. 8, 1998]