17.75—Referral to GAO or Justice Department.

(a) Claims referred. Claims which cannot be collected, compromised, or terminated in accordance with 4 CFR parts 101 to 105 will be referred to the General Accounting Office in accordance with 31 U.S.C. 71 or to the Department of Justice if this Department has been granted an exception from referrals to the General Accounting Office. Also, if there is doubt as to whether collection action should be suspended or terminated on a claim, the claim may be referred to the General Accounting Office for advice. When recovery of a judgment is prerequisite to imposition of administrative sanctions, the claim may be referred to the Justice Department for litigation even though termination of collection activity might otherwise be considered.
(b) Prompt referral. Such referrals shall be made as early as possible consistent with aggressive collection action, and in any event, well within the statute of limitations for bringing suit against the debtor.