17.65—Authority of offices to compromise claims or suspend or terminate collection action.

(a) Small claims. The Assistant Secretary for Administration periodically shall establish and disseminate to claims collection officers a maximum dollar amount up to which claims collection officers are authorized to compromise a claim or suspend or terminate collection action on a claim.
(b) Claims arising under certain programs. (1) The office primarily responsible for the following programs of the Department is authorized, in those cases where initial collection attempts are not wholly successful, to compromise or to suspend or terminate collection action on claims not exceeding $100,000 with respect to:
(i) A claim under title I of the National Housing Act;
(ii) A claim on a rehabilitation loan account under section 312 of the Housing Act of 1964;
(iii) A claim against tenants or former tenants of properties acquired by, or under the custody of, the Secretary or held by him as mortgagee in possession; or
(iv) A claim arising out of the operational (nonadministrative) activities of the Government National Mortgage Association (GNMA).
(2) However, no office shall undertake to compromise or terminate any collection action excluded under § 17.64(b).

Code of Federal Regulations

[36 FR 24427, Dec. 22, 1971. Redesignated at 49 FR 32349, Aug. 14, 1984, and amended at 52 FR 35414, Sept. 21, 1987; 59 FR 34580, July 6, 1994]