
The policies and procedures described in this part apply to grants to eligible applicants under the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program for Indian tribes and Alaska native villages.
(a) Types of grants. Two types of grants are available under the Indian CDBG Program.
(1) Single purpose grants provide funds for one or more single purpose projects consisting of an activity or set of activities designed to meet a specific community development need. This type of grant is awarded through competition with other single purpose projects.
(2) Imminent threat grants alleviate an imminent threat to public health or safety that requires immediate resolution. This type of grant is awarded only after an Area ONAP determines that such conditions exist and if funds are available for such grants.
(b) Size of grants— (1) Ceilings. Each Area ONAP may recommend grant ceilings for single purpose grant applications. Single purpose grant ceilings for each Area ONAP shall be established in the NOFA (Notice of Funding Availability).
(2) Individual grant amounts. An Area ONAP may approve a grant amount less than the amount requested. In doing so, the Area ONAP may take into account the size of the applicant, the level of demand, the scale of the activity proposed relative to need and operational capacity, the number of persons to be served, the amount of funds required to achieve project objectives, the reasonableness of the project costs, and the administrative capacity of the applicant to complete the activities in a timely manner.

Code of Federal Regulations

[61 FR 40090, July 31, 1996, unless otherwise noted. Redesignated at 62 FR 12349, Mar. 12, 1998, as amended at 66 FR 4580, Jan. 17, 2001; 66 FR 8176, Jan. 30, 2001]
(a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, funds will be allocated to the Area ONAPs responsible for the program on the following basis:
(1) Each Area ONAP will be allocated $1,000,000 as a base amount, to which will be added a formula share of the balance of the ICDBG Program funds, as provided in paragraph (a)(2) of this section.
(2) The amount remaining after the base amount is allocated and any amount retained by the Headquarters ONAP to fund imminent threat grants pursuant to the provisions of § 1003.402 is subtracted, will be allocated to each Area ONAP based on the most recent data complied and published by the United States Bureau of the Census referable to the same point or period in time, as follows:
(i) Forty percent (40%) of the funds will be allocated based upon each Area ONAP's share of the total eligible Indian population;
(ii) Forty percent (40%) of the funds will be allocated based upon each Area ONAP's share of the total extent of poverty among the eligible Indian population; and
(iii) Twenty percent (20%) of the funds will be allocated based upon each Area ONAP's share of the total extent of overcrowded housing among the eligible Indian population.
(b) HUD will use other criteria to determine an allocation formula for distributing funds to the Area ONAPs if funds are set aside by statute for a specific purpose in any fiscal year if it is determined that the formula in paragraph (a) of this section is inappropriate to accomplish the purpose. HUD will use other criteria if it is determined that, based on a limited appropriation of funds, the use of the formula in paragraph (a) of this section is inappropriate to obtain an equitable allocation of funds.
(c) Data used for the allocation of funds will be based upon the Indian population of those tribes and villages that are determined to be eligible ninety (90) days before the beginning of each fiscal year.
(a) The Assistant Secretary will determine on a case-by-case basis the use of grant funds which are:
(1) Recaptured by HUD under the provisions of § 1003.703 or § 1003.704 ;
(2) Recaptured by HUD at the time of the closeout of a program; or
(3) Unawarded after the completion by an Area ONAP of a funding competition.
(b) The recaptured or unawarded funds will remain with the Area ONAP to which they were originally allocated unless the Assistant Secretary determines that there is an overriding reason to redistribute these funds outside of the Area ONAP's jurisdiction. The recaptured funds may be used to fund the highest ranking unfunded project from the most recent funding competition, an imminent threat, or other uses. Unawarded funds may be used to fund an imminent threat or other uses.