1000.538—What remedies are available for substantial noncompliance?
If HUD finds after reasonable notice and opportunity for hearing that a recipient has failed to comply substantially with any provisions of NAHASDA, HUD shall:
Reduce payments under NAHASDA to the recipient by an amount equal to the amount of such payments that were not expended in accordance with NAHASDA;
Limit the availability of payments under NAHASDA to programs, projects, or activities not affected by the failure to comply; or
In the case of noncompliance described in § 1000.542, provide a replacement TDHE for the recipient.
HUD may, upon due notice, suspend payments at any time after the issuance of the opportunity for hearing pending such hearing and final decision, to the extent HUD determines such action necessary to preclude the further expenditure of funds for activities affected by such failure to comply.
If HUD determines that the failure to comply substantially with the provisions of NAHASDA is not a pattern or practice of activities constituting willful noncompliance, and is a result of the limited capability or capacity of the recipient, HUD may provide technical assistance for the recipient (directly or indirectly) that is designed to increase the capability or capacity of the recipient to administer assistance under NAHASDA in compliance with the requirements under NAHASDA.
In lieu of, or in addition to, any action described in this section, if HUD has reason to believe that the recipient has failed to comply substantially with any provisions of NAHASDA, HUD may refer the matter to the Attorney General of the United States, with a recommendation that appropriate civil action be instituted.